18. Bad Press

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It's almost as if time has slowed to a halt just to toy with me. I can see the first licks of flames erupt from the explosives wrapping around the vest of Crossbones and I panic. All knowledge, all confidence, everything, leaves me. It's like my brain has completely shut down. The only thing I can think about is how I'm going to be responsible for Steve's death. I'm going to be responsible for not realizing there were explosives taped to Rumlow in the first place.

But, that's it. I'm not. Because I have backup.

As the explosion goes full scale, Wanda creates a shield around it. I turn and stare at her wide-eyed, just as Steve is doing. Not only did she save Cap's life, but the lives of the bystanders and gathered crowds around us. Nevertheless, she seems to struggle to hold onto the shield as the reaction inside is possibly nuclear...meant to wipe out the entire city. I offer another layer of protection around her shield, just as she moves it up and away from the many people down here on the ground. But once it's in the air, and further away from Wanda's control, it's harder to keep in check. And that's when it happens.


My secondary shield around it does little in the sense of neutralization since the reaction is so fierce. But it does, however, minimize the reactions slightly as it goes off. Unfortunately though, when it does explode, it does so right at the edge of a neighboring building. The explosion easily consumes five, maybe six floors, almost all the way through. Dust and small chunks of debris rain down, causing us to flinch and cover our faces. I find myself lifting a general shield over the heads of those in the crowds to protect them from the falling debris. Then we look up in horror. The building is on fire while shouts, yells, and screams can be heard from inside the building. The crowd around us only adds fuel to the terrifying atmosphere as they all begin to run and scream. I feel my heart sink.

We couldn't do it.

We could save them.

And it's all because I couldn't identify a threat fast enough.

In front of me, I can see Steve mumbling something to himself. He looks shaky and terror-stricken. My hazy gaze then turns to see Wanda, who's hand is covering her mouth as she looks at me with an expression that can only be chalked up as pain. "Sam..." Steve starts, voice calm but shaky. "We need..." He lets out a quick breath. "fire and rescue, on the south side of the building." And then he begins to walk forward towards the destruction. "We gotta get up there." Cap says as he continues forward, but all I can do is just stare at the building. My heart is constricting painfully. I can feel the spike of adrenaline pumping through my veins, causing my pulse and heart rate to increase dramatically.

I'm going to have a panic attack.

Behind me, I can hear Wanda dropping to her knees and try to focus on her instead. I shakily turn away from the inferno inside the building and look to Wanda, watching as she turns her attention to me, her bottom lip quivering in the slightest. "I'm so sorry..." I choke out, my hand quickly lifting to cover my mouth as I hear my own cracked voice. Then I walk towards her and kneel in front of her. My back faces the building. "I couldn't do it...I couldn't..." I stop and blow a quick breath of air from my lungs in an attempt to halt the oncoming panic attack. "I couldn't absorb that amount of energy. It was too much, I'm so sorry."

"No, it's not your fault." Wanda says back to me, reaching out and placing a shaky hand on my shoulder. "It's both of our faults."

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