Typical Drivers

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Aries: Gets wild on the highway and pettily cuts everyone off

Taurus: The old lady that looks over at you at a stop light, waves and smiles, then speeds off when the light turns green.

Gemini: The person who you're like, "...wyd" to. Has their music really loud for no reason.

Cancer: Always has a gang of the people in the car. It's ridiculous.

Leo: Has a roofless car in the winter for the aesthetic.

Virgo: Drives nearly perfectly and gets really pissed off at other drivers. Rants about them the remainder of the ride.

Libra: Has their puppy in the passenger seat.

Scorpio: Driving really fast to nowhere in particular

Sagittarius: Wild. Has a bunch of unpaid tickets in their compartments.

Capricorn: The soccer mom wearing sunglasses and taking her kids to soccer practice in heels.

Aquarius: In a suspicious looking van. Hippies.

Pisces: Listening to Katy Perry and singing very obnoxiously.

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