Reasons to Date

138 13 4

Aries: super hot, offer to beat up anyone you don't like, tickle fights, fun as hell

Taurus: always telling you how cute you are, never forgets to text back, best at hugging, wants to buy you things

Gemini: you never run out of things to talk about, dank memes, cutest smiles, just wants you to be happy

Cancer: really good kissers and cuddlers, will mother you, you'll feel so safe and happy

Leo: good hair, random trips to grocery store, will INSIST on buying you things, will never ignore you

Virgo: will take you to a bookstore, loves holding hands with you, will be really gentle and soft, wants you to do your best

Libra: will never pass up the opportunity to compliment you, great kissers, will treat you like royalty, loves cliché romance

Scorpio: will stay up late for you, long hugs and neck kisses, might let you win at mario kart, will fight for you

Sagittarius: will drive you anywhere you want, hilarious, will be friends with all of your friends, will always think the best of you

Capricorn: classy and chivalrous, too good for you but thinks you're too good for them, will make cupcakes for no reason, plays with your hair

Aquarius: shares cool wiki articles with you, loves you more than themselves, will never bore you, makes dank memes

Pisces: will compare you to beautiful things, will 100% bring you flowers, charms your parents, is so gently and shy with you

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