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Aries: gemes– the anger one feels inside but cannot find a way to express it

Taurus: natsukashii– describes the warm, sudden feeling of sentimentality in which small things bring back some old, good memories while one remembers the fondness and goodness of that time

Gemini: aftselakhis– the desire or impulse to do something because someone else doesn't want you to, usually to get them upset or annoyed

Cancer: gunnen– to be grateful for someone having positive experience, and that they deserve something especially if they earned it

Leo: bahnirreführung– the uncomfortable feeling one gets when arriving at a very unpleasant-looking subway station after a pleasant subway ride

Virgo: lypophrenia– a vague feeling of sorrow or sadness seemingly without any apparently cause of source

Libra: koibito kibun– the feeling tenderly and delightfully experienced between new lovers in a relationship 

Scorpio: takane no hana– someone or something one desires but is far away or unattainable 

Sagittarius: eleutheromania– an intense and irresistible desire for freedom

Capricorn: gezelligheid– the coziness, warmth, and comfort of being of home, or being together with friends/loved ones sharing a time in a pleasant and nice atmosphere

Aquarius: alexithymia– an inability to express one's feelings

Pisces: duende– feeling of profound awe experienced when viewing a piece of art, watching a performance, or listening to music that is very deeply moving

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