Traits Kept Hidden

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Aries: Romantic, compassionate and sensitive. They prefer to hide their more gentle and reserved side with their fiery energy, but in reality, they've got a pronounced dreaminess, filled with fantasies, illusions, and vague emotions. They come across as far more aggressive and bold than they actually are. They have a tendency to internalize their sensitivity, which makes them feel isolated and lonely.

Taurus: Determined, energetic, and assured. Although at first they seem laid-back and relaxed, once they've set their minds to something, they are headstrong, full of verve and passion. They can easily take charge of a situation, but they doubt themselves and doubt their capabilities. Instead, they often use their courage for supporting the underdog, those with no voice. They have a tendency to internalize their anger, which results in short bursts of impulsiveness and agitation.

Gemini: Calming, grounded, and sensual. Gemini may at first come across as scatter-brained and disoriented, yet they're far more stable than they appear. Though subject to volatile mood swings, these are usually temporary. They have the ability to separate themselves from their emotions, making them more rational and level-headed. They have a deep desire for stability, but by internalizing it, they often end up clinging to the past or pursuing materialistic desires they don't truly want.

Cancer: Intelligent, clever, and quick-witted. Though Cancer is often portrayed as extremely emotional, they're much more logical than they appear. They can be very quick-witted and creative when they're by themselves, but they have a hard time expressing their ideas to others. Cancer has a tendency of concealing their thoughts and plans to others, but overemphasize their emotions instead. They can reveal too much personal, emotional information about themselves while not telling others what they're actually thinking.

Leo: Sensitive, generous, and loyal. Leo may first come across as open and confident, but they have a great deal of emotional depth which they find difficult to show. They form deep emotional attachments, resulting in integrity and loyalty to those they care for. They're generous and devoted, but have difficulty expressing their own emotions, despite their sensitivity. As a result, they may become guarded and hypersensitive, and therefore unable to share their empathy with others.

Virgo: Willful, self-sufficient, and powerful. A stereotypical Virgo comes across as quiet and analytical, but in reality, Virgo has a great deal of willpower. Behind the scenes, there's a strong leadership potential, a potency in personality that is influential and admirable. There's a great deal of pride in this position, but there's also inhibition. Despite feeling proud of their achievements, they feel uncomfortable in the spotlight- resulting in feeling torn between basking in the limelight and shying away from it.

Libra: Critical, devoted, and thoughtful. Very often, a Libra seems at best, friendly and charming, or at worst, superficial and unreliable. Libra actually is very thoughtful and eloquent, spending a great deal of time on formulating their thoughts and opinions, as spontaneous as they might act. There's a tendency to notice things here that others wouldn't- they have a sharp and keen eye for details that are usually missed. However, they tend to keep their thoughts and worries to themselves, increasing anxiety and feeling misunderstood.

Scorpio: Romantic, gentle, and idealistic. Surprisingly enough, Scorpio has a kindness and idealism that is hidden underneath a more heavy and secretive exterior. Scorpio has a strong belief in justice and is highly-principled, with a strong urge to protect the helpless and the innocent. In a more private sphere, Scorpio is compassionate and sweet to those who've shown understanding and care. By internalizing this aspect of themselves, they end up withdrawing and feeling isolated among others. They may secretly idealize their partners as a means of compensation, leaving them vulnerable to emotional disappointment.

Sagittarius: Profound, secretive and investigative. Happy-go-lucky Sagittarius has a great deal of depth, compared to what their appearance may suggest. They're interested in the taboo, the occult, the bizarre, though they don't tend to project this to others easily. Sagittarius can be very private and reserved, despite acting otherwise, as it's difficult for them to reveal emotional intensity. Instead, they prefer to push their feelings away or laugh them off. Yet, by hiding such a private part of themselves, they struggle with emotional intimacy.

Capricorn: Philosophical, wise, and witty. Capricorn is a naturally cautious sign. They tend to keep their ideals, personal beliefs, and thoughts to themselves. A natural behind-the-scenes planner, it's a struggle for Capricorn to open up to others and to be spontaneous. However, when they do, they're humorous and enthusiastic, with warmth and charisma. They use their ideals to fuel their inspiration and hopes for the future. By keeping their thoughts only to themselves, they put too much pressure and stress, worrying about their future and whether they're doing things right.

Aquarius: Grounded, reliable, and realistic. Aquarius is typically shown as eccentric and bizarre, but don't be fooled. They have a real knowledge of pain in life. They know how it feels to struggle with your own self-worth. They know what it feels like to feel overwhelmed with other's expectations. By themselves, they have a strong sense of discipline and responsibility. They can have very conservative beliefs, which you wouldn't expect from how they act. They try to obscure the heavier part of their personality, but by doing so, they worsen their feelings of inadequacy and struggle with realistic limitations.

Pisces: Aware, independent, and innovative. Most people view Pisces as dreamy and lost in their own world, yet Pisces has a keen intuition that enables them to read between the lines where others cannot. Though Pisces can be like a sponge, absorbing the information and emotions from others, they're more detached and less influenced than they seem. They have an independence and a rebelliousness to them that others don't expect. This sign is more objective, more logical than their starry-eyed appearance may suggest. Through concealing this more reasonable part of themselves, they struggle to appear as they genuinely are, isolating themselves from friends and companions.

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