Chapter 33

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Friday, June 26th
Harper's P.O.V.
Laying down in my bed and feeling the weight of being a full time lawyer, mom, wife, and boss hit me. My body has been craving this mattress all weekend long.  Looking at the baby monitor seeing Olivia laying in her crib on her stomach with her blanket on her. Looking at the cameras on the iPad around the house and inside. Thank God everyone is sleeping peacefully. I closed my eyes and went to sleep peacefully.
I just got home from school and doing homework at my desk. Hunger overcoming my stomach, knowing the last meal I had from today at school was absolutely disgusting would be the last until school breakfast the next morning. I went down and just looked in the fridge, maybe just maybe there was a chance that there would be some food in the fridge.
I went into our rundown kitchen that was empty and had nothing in it. The cupboards were open with bugs crawling everywhere.
Then opened the fridge to molded cheese and bread from months ago. Tears begin to shed because when I got to school I look so greedy when I take extra breakfast's from the bin. Standing up realizing I got a 4 of extra this morning. I ran upstairs to my backpack and grabbed the Rice Krispies, graham crackers, and apple juice out of my bags. I took 2 and ate them for my lunch while I did my homework. This was nothing new of what had been a frequent occurrence.
After finishing my homework I went to sleep still feeling the hunger of the past few weeks. Awoke to my mother yelling on the phone about money. I went and sat on the steps where she couldn't see me. "I need more money" she said
"You want to be able to see her when you send the money. I will keep her and all the messages that you send a secret from her." She said to the other person on the phone before hanging up and slamming the phone down
I decided to see what was wrong, I walked down the steps and sat on the couch.
"Mom who was that?" I asked
"Nobody sweetie, what do you need?" She asked
"What are we having for dinner?" I asked
"Well I brought me and burger and fries from work, didn't you eat at school?" She asked
"Are you serious right now? That was hours ago, do you know how embarrassing that is to take extra breakfast's from the bin in the morning? I need some actual food, mom for goodness sake you work at a dinner. You couldn't get me a burger? " I asked
"No you just had pizza the the night before last?" She asked
"Yes it was one slice half eaten, no chips, and just had water." I said
"You better be glad I provide a roof over your head. And clothes on your back." She said
Flashback Over
I was awoken from the cry of Olivia's hunger. I walked next door and grabbed her and walked downstairs and opened the fridge and grabbed an 8oz Avent bottle that had breastmilk in it.
I took the nipple off and put it into the microwave. I warmed it up and she cried and I soothe her as best as I could until the bottle was warm. I gave it to her and she stopped crying. She looked at me and I saw her hazel eyes, that were big. I sat on the couch and turned the table light on. I sat on the couch and grabbed the blanket hanging over the back of it. I look down at her and spoke to her.
"I promise to never make you the second priority but always the first. I promise to make sure your belly is full and you have everything you need. I promise to love you unconditionally and make sure you feel the love." I began to shed tears
I leaned the reclinable sectional that we had bought a couple of weeks ago.
"Mommy will always love you, there will never a moment you can't tell me anything. I will be there for everything. Your first crawl, first time you sit up, the first steps, your first words, all of your firsts I promise to dedicate my time too." I said
I lean her on my chest and patted her back and began to burp her. I fell asleep peacefully again, cuddling my child.
Saturday, June 27th
I awoke and went and put Olivia in her crib, because she was still sleeping peacefully which is a rarity now. But I went in my room and was surprised to see my husband in bed. I ran and jumped on the bed and kissed him all over his face. He awoke smiling widely because of his happiness to see me.
"Good Morning my love" I said
"Good Morning sweetheart. I missed you last night." he responded
"Why didn't you wake me up and either bring me upstairs or ask me to come upstairs?" I asked
"Well you look like you needed the sleep and I knew if I grabbed Olivia out of your arms you would have woken up. And I just didn't want to disturb you."he said
"Ok fair enough so I have to go and see this venue for Jackson's birthday party and then I have to go to CamiCakes and test the cake. Then I have some other things to do for the party prep." I said
"I would go but you want to keep some aspects of the party a secret until his birthday." He said
"Jackson is going to his friends for a day with them and then Diamond is gonna come and help pick out things for his birthday." I said
"I guess I will go and spend the day with you guys." He said
"Well get up and get dressed and we will leave about 12." I said
I got off of him after getting another kiss in and a booty smack from him. I went and got in the shower and before I got shower I picked out blue jean short overalls, white tank top to go underneath, and brown sandals. I showered and wetted my hair so I could wear it in a curly afro.
I got out and Eli was coming in to shower.
"Babe I love you" he said before hitting the shower
I stopped and turned around and looked at the amazing husband God blessed me with.
"I love you more" I said before turning around to go about my routine with my hair Cantu hair products
The I sprayed this spritz to keep my curls tight and free from frizz.
I get dressed and put my shoes on and go into Jackson and Diamond and woke them up. I went into Olivia's room and pick out her little clothes. I grabbed her dark green shorts, a cream colored onesie with "Be Kind" written on it these little white and brown shoes.
I get her up and bathe her and get her dressed. I took her into our room and put her into her swing and she went back to sleep. Eli was up and had got dressed in some gray khaki shorts, light blue polo shirt, a gray hat that had PING written on it. Matching Nike sneakers.
"Are you ready babe?" I asked
"Yes my sugar lumps, and I am gonna go and get the kids in the car." he said
"Cool it off first before you put Olivia in there." I said
"Do you want me to take her downstairs?" He asked
"No just put her 4 bottles into her diaper bag." I said
I touched up my make up and grabbed my purse and Olivia and headed downstairs. The kids were sitting at the island with their oatmeal and cereal.
"Good morning guys" I said
"Good morning Harper" Diamond said
"Good morning mommy" says Jackson
"Let's get ready to go" I said
I grabbed Olivia's car seat and put her in and strapped her in. Eli came and picked her car seat up and went to the Escalade. We finally left the house.
Hey Guys so sorry haven't been updating, been busy with school, trying to find a job, building a church website, helping everyone and anyone, just trying to finish the school year strong. Bear with me please, and as always thanks for support and love. I love you guys so much and appreciate everything you have done to allow me to get here. And all of this wouldn't be possible without God my creator.

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