Chapter 45

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Eli's P.O.V.
The black guy that was holding me back was holding a gun to my back and was threatening to shoot if I tried anything. We walked up the stairs and into our bedroom.
It was a mess with Harper and I's clothes and Olivia's baby clothes. But we walking inside the room and then into the closet. I walked to the showcase in the center of our rooms then went to the bottom drawer. I grabbed the 3 customize Rolex's that I had gotten made. They were gold, rose gold, and black.  Two of the had real diamonds in them.
I handed them to the guy. He took them and put them in his pocket.
"Let's go" he said
I was getting blood everywhere from the cuts on my chest and my nose bleeding. We walked back down stairs. And I went over to Harper.
"Back up man I haven't seen them yet" the leader said
I got back on my knees and put my hands behind my back. The black guy that followed me upstairs pulled the watches out of his pocket and handed them to the leader. He looked at all 3 of the watches and put the gold one on.
"I might not have to sell these, just might keep them for myself." he said
"Sorry it took so long, but one last thing" he took the gun and shot my knee
I fell down in pain but I pulled my self next to Harper. She was still breathing. They left and shut the door back. I got up and limped to the kitchen and got a knife. I cut everyone loose. I went back to Harper and Malina ran over to Harper.
"Don't touch her" I said forcefully
"I'm just trying to help" she replied
"You have helped enough" I said I reached for my phone and called 911
"Yes I need an ambulance my wife and I have been shot." I said
The dispatcher remained on the line with me while an ambulance and police officers arrived.
They came in and offered her support. Immediately putting her on the stretcher and loading her up. The cops asked what happened and I pointed them in the direction of Malina.
"She will tell you what happened. And I promise you if Harper doesn't pull through I will kill you with my own hands." I say
The other ambulance loads me on a stretcher and Jackson comes in the ambulance with me and Diamond goes in with Harper.
We ride quickly to the hospital and the bring us in yelling all of the medical terms. They put Harper in a bag directly from mine. Diamond and Jackson had to wait out in the waiting area.
"Harper" I yelled
"Sir she is being attended too now, but you need surgery on your knee." the nurse said
"I don't care about me, my wife Harper is who needs help." I said trying to get up but they pushed me back down
"Harper. Harper, baby I'm here for you." I yelled
"We have to give him something there is no way he's going to calm down." another nurse said
"Harper" I screamed again
I felt a prick in my arm and then everything went spinning and then black
Sometime later
I awake laying in a hospital bed, still a little unaware of what was going on. I looked over to my right and saw the monitors beeping. Then I went to reach and touch my face but it was being held down by something.
I looked to my left and Shaun sat up and looked at me.
"Where am I? Why are my arms being restrained?" I asked
"Eli you are admitted in the hospital. You been placed in restraints because when they brought you into the ER you kept trying to get up and go to Harper." he said
"Where is Jackson and Diamond? Where's Harper?" I asked then trying to get up again
"Hey hey she is in ICU critical care unit. They did the surgery. They were able to remove bullet, it did hit the right lung which caused it to collapse. She has a chest tube which allowed it to re-inflate the lung. And then she had another one to relieve some of the pressure on her a abdomen. She is getting blood transfusions but it's just a waiting game.
Jackson and Diamond are at home with Alicia, they are safe. I promise. Diamond only told me part before she just burst into tears." He said
I let out a couple of tears knowing what emotion I feel for Diamond.
"Eli, we don't have to talk about it but I am here. Do you want me to call your parents?" He asked
"No I need to see Harper." I said
"Get some rest first and then I will make sure you get to see her." Shaun responded
I turned my head to the side and fell back asleep.
The next morning
I awoke with Shaun still at my bed side
I put my call light on and the nurse came in.
"When can I get out of these?" I asked
"We were waiting for you to wake up." She said
She slowly untied them.
"Can I see my wife now?" I asked
"Yes, let me get a wheelchair and another nurse." She said
Shaun had woken up. The nurse came back in and another nurse too helped me into the wheelchair and with my knee in the stirrup that sticks straight out.
Shaun wheeled me to Harper's room.
She was laying there peacefully in her sleep with tubes and machines everywhere.
"Take your time. I will be right outside the door." Shaun said after wheeling me to her bedside. There are no visiting hours."he said
"Hi my love" I said grabbing her hand
I looked at her and rubbed her head and cheek.
"I should've said no. I should've have been the protector knowing her being that was a bad idea and said no. I blame myself for this. If I had've just said no." I said
I kissed her hand and continuing to cry.
I sat back down and continued to hold her hand a knock came to the door.
I looked back and it was Shaun and an officer. Shaun came in.
"Eli this officer wants to speak with you." he said
"Ok" I said. I leaned over and kissed Harper's head one more time and Shaun wheeled me out of the room.
"Hi I am Detective Chandler" he said
I reached out and shook his hand.
"Sir what happened to your wife? We have a Malina Winston in custody and the officers said you said that she had something to do with your injuries as well as your wife's injuries.
"Detective is there somewhere more private we can talk." I asked
"We can go back to your room." He said
I shook my head in agreement and we went back to my room and the nurses helped me back in bed and hooked me up to the machines again.
"Ok Mr. Washington start from the beginning." Detective Chandler says
45 minutes later
"If you think of anything else please give me a call." he said as he gave me his card
"Ok thanks" I said returning my attention back to Harper
4 hours later
I'm sitting here watching random tv shows. Shaun was able to get my cellphone and me a charger before he left to go home. He had to go home and help Alicia.
A knock came to my door
"Come In" I yelled
It was mother. She came and pulled a chair up and sat next to my bed.
"Shaun called us and told us what happened. Eli I am so sorry." She said grabbing my hand
"Mom it was mt fault I didn't protect her." I said and started crying. She sat on the side of my bed and just let me cry into her shoulder.
She then grabbed my face with her hands .
"Eli you cannot blame yourself for this. You did what any sane man does. Listen to his wife. She knows you have done and would've done everything your power to protect her and those kids." She said and kissed me on my head and pulled me into an embrace again.
A few days later
"I was being released from the hospital and my mother offered to allow me to stay there while I recovered. And she was willing to move in with me once I got back on my feet to help with the children.
I got dressed in a black Nike sweat suit with my red Nike vaporfly.
"You got everything?" My mother asked
"Yes I think so." I said
The nurse wheels me downstairs and I got into my mothers Benz truck and she drive me to the house.
"I got a surprise for you when you get home." She said and gives my thigh a comforting squeeze
We pull up to the house and I walk in and Jackson comes running.
"Daddy" he says
I grab him under his arms and bring him up and hug and kiss him. Diamond walks over and gives me a huge hug and kiss. Then Alicia hands me my baby girl Olivia. She's getting so big. 6 months has came and gone oh so quickly.
I sat down on the couch still limping from the gunshots in my knee. Everyone gave me and the kids a couple of minutes to talk
"How is Harper doing?" Diamond asked
"She's in critical condition, they are using machines right now to keep her alive." I said and Diamond begins to cry
"But Diamond your sister is a fighter. She wants to come back to us so that she can continue to raise all of you all. You hear me?" I asked her
"Yes I do, and I love you." She responds
"I love you too." I said hugging her
Harper's life is hanging the balance. Will life ever go back to the way it was. Would you guys like an alternate ending ? I think it would be cool. This book is not quite over yet. But it's getting there. Let me know what you guys think. Like comment, and follow me. And make sure you add the book to your library do you can be updated when there are new chapters. Thanks love you guys.!!!!

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