Chapter 9

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Harper's P.O.V.
The nurse just took us back to the room and began her part of the checkup. We stepped back out of the room to check her weight.
"Ok just place her on there" the nurse said
"She is 5lbs 7 oz. Do you remember what her birth weight was?" She asked
"Yes she was 4lbs 8oz." I said
"That's good she's almost a pound up since birth and it's only been 4 days." She said
We went back into the room.
She measure her her head and length.
"You need to take her out of her onesie and leave her diaper on. Dr. McClendon will be with you momentarily" the nurse said
"Okay thanks" I said as she walked out of the room.
I grabbed a blanket of her out of the diaper bag and laid it on the table. I laid her on the table and took everything off.
"Babe so should I text or call her? Eli asked me
"Call her tonight about 11p to sound sneaky and entertain her." I said continuing to get Olivia undressed.
Dr. McClendon walked in while I was finishing up getting Olivia undressed.
"Hi Harper and Eli, how are you today?" She asked
"Good" I replied
"Now who is this?" She asked after washing her hands and approaching the exam table.
"This is Olivia Marie" Eli said
"Well hello Olivia, when was she born?"'she asked
"July 22nd" I said
"Alright so she is a little small but nothing to worry about her head and height are measure in the 50th percentile. But I heard she has almost gained a pound which is amazing." She said
"How much is she eating?" She asked
"She is exclusively breast fed, I'm not exactly sure how many oz. But she is eating every 2 hours for about 15 minutes-20 minutes. I keep a journal of her times and how long. It is a little bit of a struggle getting her latched." I said
"On your way out I'll leave a list of lactation consult that can help give you tips on way to get her to latch easier. And send you to an ENT because looking in her mouth now it does look like she has a tongue tie. The lactation specialist can try the natural route of giving remedies for it. Then I recommend the ENT route." She said
"So what will the ENT do?" Eli asked
"Well if they confirm my suspicion of her having a tongue tie. The procedure is called frenotomy, and a small cut to the tissue connecting the tongue and the floor of the mouth." She explained
"When does this need to be done?" I asked
"My suggestion is take both lists, do the lactation consultant, and then if nothing improves go the ENT route. I wouldn't want to put her through any procedure that we can fix naturally ok?" She said
I nodded in understanding.
"Is she peeing and pooping ok?" She asked
"Yes she's peeing a ton but has only poop once." I said
"Perfectly normal when she gets on formula that will pickup nothing a cause for concern." Dr. McClendon said
She checked her reflexes, hip and head. Then looked at her umbilical cord.
"Guys she is beautiful and absolutely perfect. Keep the umbilical cord dry and clean with a q tip or wash cloth. If it starts with a foul smell, bleeding, or sensitive reach out ok." She said
"Ok, thank you so much" I said shaking her hand
"No problem see you guys soon" she responded before leaving the room
I laid her back down and I got her dressed.
I put her back into her car seat and strapped her in and here eyes were open and this has been the longest she has left them open. I laid the blanket on top of her.
We left the room and grabbed the list of ENT and lactation specialist for her.
"What do you want to do Harper?" Eli asked as he began to drive home
"I don't know it's all so much, what do you think?" I asked him
"I think we should go to the ENT. I know maybe naturally I just want her to get the food she needs, and I don't want you to be in pain. I see how frustrated it is for you when she's struggling to latch and how uncomfortable it is for you." He said
"Let's get a consult with ENT and see what the doctor says and we will go from there." I said
"Sounds like a good plan love" he responded
When we got back to the house Dad's wife was there.
Eli and I walked in and Eli had Olivia's car seat and I had her diaper bag.
"Harper it's so finally nice to meet you" Alicia said running up and hugging me
I winced in pain. For some reason when I'm hugging or moving a certain way I can hurt.
"Ooo I'm so sorry did I hurt you?" She asked releasing me from the death grip hug
"I'm ok just still really sore from birth I had a tear" I explained
"I'm sorry but it's so lovely to meet you
"And you must be Eli" she said going to hug him
Alicia was beautiful brown skin, big brown eyes, black curly hair, skinny with curves. She is beautiful, my daddy got game.
"Olivia she's so precious" she said looking at her in her car seat
I walked over to the couch and Eli sat her car seat on the coffee table in front of me
I put hand sanitizer on my hands and I unstrapped her and took her out. And I sat her on my lap sitting up with my hand on her back. She has her eyes open which surprised us. Eli sat in the chair that was next the couch.
"So how was your flight?" I asked
"Stressful, getting 2 kids on a flight on time was horrible. I was up at the airport at 3 am because of having to get through security with a sleepy toddler and a sleep baby." she said
"Awww I am sorry" I said
"But it was all worth it seeing you and our beautiful granddaughter." she said
"Well I appreciate you coming" I said
"Can I hold her?" She asked
"Sure I don't mind, but you have to use hand sanitizer" I said, she grabbed some hand sanitizer and I handed Olivia to her
"Baby I have to go to work, I'll be back before dinner" Eli said getting up and kissing me and he kissed Olivia on the cheek and left
"Nice meeting you too Alicia" Eli said kissing her on the cheek
"So how is motherhood treating you?" Alicia asked me
"She's mild-mannered, we are having some difficulty feeding. Her pediatrician seems to think she has a tongue tie and gave us recommendations for ENT and lactation specialists. It's a struggle for us feeding. But she wakes up every 2 hours like clockwork. I'm just still very exhausted after birth and like I said I tore so still slowly moving. Recovery is just more of a beast than what I expecting. I thought doing a home north would make it easier on my body and all but yeah I think I was sorely mistaken. ." I said
"Giving birth is giving birth. But make sure to give yourself some Grace you are only 4 days our from birth. Definitely take all the 6 weeks to heal.
"But after the first one the next ones are easier." She said
Olivia began to cry and Alicia handed her back to me.
"I think she is hungry. Can you hand me that blanket on the side of her diaper bag there?" I asked
"Yes I can" she said
She handed me the blanket and I threw it over my shoulderI pulled out my breast and got her to latch. It took our 15 minutes or going back and forth for her to latch.
"Okay" she said
I continued to feed her and Eli was texted me.
Eli: Hey babe
Harper: Missing me already
Eli: Of course, I came to Chic-fil-A to meet Megan, apparently she flew down here a few days ago.
Harper: Hold on, why are you meeting Meagan?
Eli: Well I want to string her along, we are just gonna meet today and Saturday. I wanted to tell her I want to meet her on Saturday in person.
Harper: Okay just no funny business
Eli: Oh no ma'am 😂😂
Harper: Do you mind bringing home dinner?
Eli: sure love what should I bring?
Harper:Can you being the kids chicken nuggets and fries and us adults Sushi from Ru Sans on Piedmont for dinner? I have been craving it since having her.
Eli: yep I'll get a little bit of everything including your favorites. Does Alicia and Shaun want anything different?
"Alicia Eli is going to pick up dinner, I got the kids nuggets and fries from Chic-fil-A. And I'm getting us sushi I been craving it." I said
"No sushi is good" she said
Harper: Sushi and nuggets and fries are perfect.
Eli: ok I'll be home as soon as I can, Megan just got here gotta go but I love you.
Harper: love you more
This was a simple chapter, felt like I haven't updated in forever. I will try to update more frequently. Next chapter I am sure you will find way more interesting than this chapter. This chapter was intimate just about the family. Harper cried when Olivia got shots, I felt bad for her.

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