You (Prologue)

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Harry's P.O.V

I shoudn't have let her fall in love with me. It was just too dangouros for both of us, and it was pretty clear to her that it was. But she didn't show any sign that she cared about that, and the thought didn't seemed to scare her at all. It didn't though. I knew it didn't, and that was one of the things that concered me the most. I warned her from the very beginning, and told her that this was not something that I wanted her to get into, and later regret got into. But again she didn't seemed to care a bit. First I started to question myself if she understood what I was just telling her. I was wondering if the words just got through her, and away some other place. I mean I'm just not someone to fall in love with. I'm not even worth using time on. Not even worth enough for her. I'm damaged, and totally worthless. I'm not even nice to people, and to scare, and be mean to others is one of my many talentst. I can't help it. That's just the way I am, you know? Damaged, broken, and scary, but because of some unknown reason she can ignore all that, and focus on me. Just me. Not all my flaws, and my stupid past. That's something that stil amaze me to the day today.

I still believe it's someone out there somewhere that's perfect for her. A person that would save her the pressure to go through a lot of pointless shit, and worries. Someone that's not like me. Far away from me. A person that's more like her. A person that would promise he woudn't hurt her. Don't get me wrong I would never lay a finger on her, and she knows it. I'm just not so sure about the psychic way. It's not ike I'm planning to hurt her, or something, but you never know. I'm way too damaged for her. Too broken, and dark. I'm just not ready to see her that in me even thought we both know she knows me too well. 

But at the same time I have to admit I'm falling for her too. I was falling pretty hard. I just can't help myself. She' was just so different. She still is, and nearly unik in a way. I'm pretty sure that's one of the things that attract me to her since the first time. It took a while for me to admit that I was clearly feeling something for her. Not sure what, but I haven't felt like this before. But it felt good to be finally true to myself. I'm not going to lie when I say this, but I never thought I would get involve, or even let someone get this close to me. I usually don't trust people either.

The fact that she sees something in me, deep inside, that no one else do make me feel good. Really good to be exact. I'm feeling special in a way. I'm not into all this love stuff that people talk about, but I'm not lying. I never thought I would ever feel this good before. It's weird, you know? That I'm smitted by this one girl in such a short period. I'm freaking out. This is unbelieveble. 

We're totally different, but at the same time same in many other ways too. This might sound crazy, but I'm dead serious. I just guess that's what brought us kind of together in the first place. We're almost like two pieces of puzzle that perfectly fits together as one.

But after all she's not easy to handle, and we both know very well that I'm not very easy myself. Yeah, we fight, and argue a lot. Maybe more than normal people do, but none of us are normal anyway so it's not something to worry about I guess. She drives me crazy, sometimes too much, but I can't blame her. I'm pretty sure I get on her nerves too, and annoy her a lot too so I'm not gonna lie, and say that she's not the one that make me want to pull all my hair off at times.


We have our good moments too. Times when everything is just extremely hilarious, and we laugh till the point we can barely breath. Times we just lay on our backs in the garden, and watch the amazing universe above us in silent just taking the cold outside wind in. Good times we talk for hours about stupid things till we fell asleep. Times when I just look at her little perfect face trying to get used to her beauty, her lively smile, and those sparkling blue eyes of hers. Maybe that's the thing I like about her the most. Just the fact that she have this unbelieveble power over me. A power that can make me soften to her so easly, and relax under her touch just like that. Just her. No one else can do that. She's my sweetest point. It's just something I know.

But damn. 

I just want to feel her next to me so badly. I just want to wrap my arms around her tiny little body tonight, and hold her so close to me so we can share body heat. I want to whisper things into her ear untill she fell asleep, and kiss her forhead before slowly closing my eyes listening to her heartbeat knowing she's right next to me tonight. I just want her, here, and now. I guess I just need the company of having her here. That's all I'm asking for. I need her so bad. Oh, and the mornings would be the best. Knewning that she will be the first thing I see when I wake up. That's the thing I'm looking most forward too. Seeing her in the mornings, and just having her with me. Next to me. And I know that if I wake up in the middle of the night she will be lying next to me asleep. That would be perfect, and would definitivt make the rest of the days much better.

Damn it.

Let's not talk about her kisses. I would kiss those pink lips of hers if I could every chance I get, and look into her beautiful eyes. I need to stop thinking about her. Just the thought of her is giving me goosebump even right now. I just wanna hold her body close to mine, hide my face in her neck, and slowly pull in the sweet smell of her. But I know I can't. I screwed up.

I just can't set words on how I truly feel about her. It's just too much to say, and I'm not the type of person that is good with words. Whatever that is going between us right now is kind of confusing, and almost weird. I'm not over her. Far away from that, and everybody around me knows that very well. I want her. No. I need her. It doesn't seems like people around me understand how much I want her, and how much this is kiling me everyday. They don't understand, because they think she's just a girl. Nothing special. But they're wrong - very wrong. She is special, and will always be. I just don't know how much i can keep doing this. It's been too long. 

I  miss her.


(A/N ) Hi!

Ahhhh, It feels good to finally post this! I been working very hard with this, and I really hope you guys liked this as much as I did. I've always wanted to post my own fanfiction after seeing, and reading a lot of amazing stories around me. I guess I just got inspired to do my own thing, and that's excatly what I'm doing right now. Well, I really wanna know your thoughts on this chapter. This is a kind of a 'prologue' so the story will begin on the next chapter, don't worry. You guys have a lot to look forward too later so stay tuned. I've all this ideas, and stuff in my head right now, and I'm seriously dying to write them all down at ones, but I know I can't. aha. Anyways.

I really want to know your opinions on this so please comment down everything that's on your mind about this chapter right now. I'm doing this for you guys, and I really want to know if you liked it, or not. Don't be to shy to tell me if something was bad about it.

When it comes to when I'm going to update it depends on how the situation is. High school is very hectic, and I have a lot of other things to do next to writing. Spending time with friends, and, family as well. But the updates will not take too long, I promise. So, don't worry.

Oh, I almost forgot. If you liked this, and you can't wait for the next chapter please share it with your friends/followers on twitter, tumblr, facebook, instagram etc. And yeah, everywhere it's possible to share stuffs. It really would mean a lot to me, and as I said I can't wait for you guys to read the following chapters that's coming.

It's your choice, and it's definitely up to you if I'll post sooner, or later. Can't wait for your response, and comments! Thanks! x

- A

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