Chpt. 11 ~ Getting the Guts

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Jake's POV~

  I was at soccer practice and all during it I couldn't stop thinking about Kate. I was so bloody stupid and I just wish this blimey practice was over. I might've thought it was a mistake to kiss her but..she kissed me back.  The Spring formal is here anyways so why not? I'm going to ask her to the dance...but I have to make it special. A sudden bubble of energy rushed through my body and I slammed my foot towards the ball causing it to fly over the goalie's head and hit the right corner of the net.  I grinned knowing if me just thinking about me asking her to the dance  could cause me to make a goal....her saying yes to going to the dance with me would make me 10 times better at everything. First to get her back, I needed to apologize.

My car slowed to a halting stop. I stared at the steering wheel, rehearsing everything through my mind. She had to forgive me...she just had to. I stepped out and quietly shut the door. It was exactly 11:30 pm and if everything  went as planned then she would be back at exactly 12:00 pm with that dazzling smile on her face.  Alright let's do this I thought. I walked towards the house and creeped around the side of it, hoping there wasn't a security system. I kept looking around for any signs that, that room belonged to Kate. Suddenly on the second floor I saw a large window with a balcony leading out. It had white roses, little cacti, and blooming sunflowers surrounding it. Her favorite type of rose, white rose ( I'm not a stalker...I just overheard that) it had to be her room. I pulled out a bag out of my pocket full of smooth pebbles. She likes a good romantic gesture? This shall do.  I then began to throw the pebbles at her window. Please don't be a heavy sleeper. I only had thrown my second pebble when I heard a swoosh. The window opened right as I was throwing the third pebble which happened to hit her square in the forehead. She rubbed her forehead and then her eyes before looking down at me. " It was supposed to be romantic" I spoke swiftly feeling embarrassed. I got silence. " Are you okay...I am really sorry" I told her. " Kate?" I asked, I didn't see anyone at the window. Bloody great. " I am coming down" she said to me. " I'll catch you, just jump love", I whispered while grinning. " On the count of 3, 1-2-3!" I said and she jumped on 3, landing straight in my arms. My body shuddered at the feeling of her touch. She got up and brushed herself off.

"Why are you here Jake?" she mumbled. "Do you trust me?", I asked eagerly. She nodded, " Follow me then.".

Driving in the car with her next to me was great. I had the radio on in case there would be an awkward silence. She didn't ask any questions which I was surprised about.

As I got out of the car I rushed to go get her door for her. She thanked me and then looked around. I walked over to one of the most beautiful places I knew of in this town with the most beautiful girl in the world. " This...Kate is called the woods sanctuary and It's my secret place.", I said with tenderness in my voice. She stopped and gazed at what stood all around her. The trees created a small canopy with a wooden bench, hanging chair, and stump inside. " This is amazing" she said looking me dead on in the eyes. I patted to the spot on the hanging chair for her to come sit next to me. " This used to be a national park but apparently there once was an animal that terrorized the park and it's ranger, causing everyone to abandon this place." I told her. She looked at me " It's exquisite but why show me?" she asked with a hushed voice. " Kate this is my apology, I'm sorry for ever rushing into things and making you feel uncomfortable, I really like being friends with you so I would hate for this friendship to be ruined." I said somewhat sad and confident.

" Of course I forgive you I'm just sorry I've been quite confused lately and as we all know I'm just barmy ", She chuckled.

" Would a hug be rushing things too much?" I wondered. Her arms outstretched and I joined our bodies. Strange feelings rushed all through me. Lusting is wrong. I held her and she felt so warm and fragile, I liked every bit of it. Then we just sat there looking around and smiling. A couple minutes later her head rested against my shoulder and I felt powerful but I lost my thoughts at the moment. I was pretty sure there was something I needed to say. I pulled out my phone, 11:51 pm. " Kate" I gently spoke and woke her. " We better head back" I notified. She got up and quietly walked back towards the car and for those brief seconds I really got to take her in. She was only wearing pajamas but really she could make anything work. Though she was tired her eyes shone brighter than the moon. I opened her side of the car's door again making sure to be the gentleman.

As I slowed to her house I opened her door yet again and gave her a friendly wave. She blew a kiss and then giggled while climbing up the side of her balcony. It was then I remembered I was going to ask her do the dance. Blast it! I will have to do something big and dazzling on Monday. I'll let this all sink in for the weekend.

As I drove home I couldn't help but think that I was moving forward with her. Next move was to get her to go to the dance with me. How hard could it be?

" The course of true love never did run smooth"~ Shakespeare


A/N Hey beautiful people! Are you feeling the #Kake ship? The next chapters should be way more spicy and juicy. I always want to thank you guys for all the reads!! Amazon has offered me an opportunity to make an actual book ( with professional editing ) if I do accept, y'all will be the first to hear of it. Also Happy Easter! Comment in this chapter your favorite candy! Have a wonderful day!!

~ Jess

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