Chapter 8

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~Lukes Pov~

Sound check was really awkward.. Fans always expect us the jump around and sing with eachother, but we just stood there. My voice kept cracking and going to high. Calum wasn't normal either. He messed up a lot of notes that threw Ashton off. Ash was already really angry with him, its just making him more mad. When we where done, we all went back to our dressing rooms. We all made eye contact then walked away. None of us wanted to be with eachother. I didn't want to talk to Calum. What was his problem with this. The time until we actually went on stage seemed like forever.. I was alone in the back when they called us out, we all walked to the same side of the stage

 "Well, have fun boys!" Ashton smiled at us, I looked down at the floor and walk out before we were suppose to. The boys follow me out, and quietly step into there spots. Not even looking at eachother. We start the first song, Calum misses almost every note throwing off the rest of us. I was the first to sing, like most of our songs, as soon as I walk up to the mic I forget every word to the song making my hands shake, I look down at the ground taking deep slow breaths trying to stay calm. I start get really nervous, moving closer to the mic looking out of the hundreds of fans in the audience. I walk straight forward taking a confident step, I was just gonna say something, anything it didn't madder just to brake the silence. I open my mouth to say something but hit my lip on the mic instead. 

"Son of a..fuck" I say muffled into the speakers through out the audience. Ashton stops playing, I look over at Calum but he looks away. A few fans in the front row yell "LUKE YOUR LIP" and I quickly bring my hand up to the spot, when I pull my hand away, blood almost covers my hand immediately. Michael quickly takes off his guitar and drops in on stage, rushing over to me and pushing back stage.

"What the hell happend!" Michael has both his hands on my back, shoving me forward trying to at least me some what gentle. I keep my hand over my lip

"I-I dont know.." I pull my hand away, wipping the blood on my hand to my jeans.

"You didnt even hit it that hard!" He just rambls about everything. He shoves me into the bathroom, and pushes me down to sit on the closed toilet lid. He turns on the water getting a towel out.

"Umhm sorry guys! Luke seems to have.. busted something!" I hear Calum say through his microphone. The crowd aww's, I hear like 7 stage managers run to Ash and Calum. This was a bit of a problem. Michael walks over and wipes up all the blood on my lips and chin.

"You might need some stitches on that.." Michael says under his breathe. I push his hand off.

"No I won't! I'm not getting stitches!" I jump up and push past him.

"Luke! it'll make it so you can sing! Its fine! " he yells after me. I just keep walking.

"Luke.. Luke?! where ya going! your suppose to be on stage!" I hear Niall call after me, he's trying to catch up to me. I just keep walking, I open the doors and walk outside the arena to the ungated area. I drop down to the middle of the side walk, I could feel a small bit of blood dripping down my lip, this was the worst. why was it so bad! I didn't think Calum had that In him, especially to me. I just sit there with my knees pressed against my chest. The bruise down my ribs was what felt like stinging, but I dont care anymore.

"Luke...?" someone walks out of the dark. It doesn't look like anyone I knew.

"Go away Calum, you're the last person I want to talk to" I say and turn the other way facing away from who ever it was.

"LUKE IT IS YOU" I hear there foot steps run closer to me. I don't respond, quickly jumping up and walking the other way. "LUKE I LOVE YOU WAIT" she yells. At this point I'm just assuming its a fan. I've disappointed enough to night I didn't need to crush the dreams of another. I stop and turn around, closing my eyes dramatically.

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