Come here, little Spider!

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**Spiderman's P.O.V** 

Spiderman woke with searing pain in his head. Ow, why cruel world? He moved his hand to put on his head; well, he tried to. Something tugged at his arm, restricting it from moving any further. Where am I? He glanced at the room, trying to recognize the white walls and window. Come on, work with me brain! Work with me! Where am I? Ah! After about a minute of intense thinking, he gave up, leaving a blank face. Nope, I'm definitely lost. In a room. Okay, where am I? Might as well get out of here, huh? Peter gripped the IV in his arm, and, without meaning to, he ripped it off of his arm. Ow! Ow ow ow ow! Bad idea! Bad idea! He yelped softly in the pain and held his arm. I'm fine... I'm okay. He just then realized that the whole top part of his costume was gone. Lifting up his arm slowly and regretfully, he touched where his mask should be. Great! Now isn't this just peachy? He heard footsteps rushing down the hallway. Not thinking, he got up, and leaped to the ceiling. He soon regretted it, because with the sudden movement, both his sides flared up in pain. He wanted to scream, but held it in when the footsteps became louder and faster. He crawled over to the corner near the door. All of a sudden the door swung open harshly. Before his eyes, Spiderman couldn't believe what he was seeing. The Avengers, The Avengers, were looking around the room stupidly. 

"Were did he go?" Tony said, scratching his head in dismay. Peter could have a little fun in this. He got up to walk straight, (still on the ceiling) ignoring the great pain in his sides and head. He walked over to the oblivious Tony Stark. He poked him on the head. 

"You looking for me?" Tony jumped and fell on the ground with a yelp, with Bruce, Steve and Clint staring at him in astonishment. 

"Are you going to tell me why exactly I'm here?" Peter couldn't leave out the anger and pain in his voice no matter how hard he tried. He walked slowly off of the ceiling to face the Avengers. He had felt like this before, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Then it hit him like a bullet. The train and the fight. Oh great, not like I loved that little scene at all. 

Suddenly, a searing pain started to grow in Peter's head, stronger than it has ever been before. 

"Ah!" He put his hands on his head, bent his knees down and screeched loudly. 

"Hey! Kid are you okay?" Steve asked, concern fully in his voice. He took a step forwards, but Peter held up his hand. 

"Go! Leave this place... Ah! It's not safe here," Spiderman glanced up. He found his mask and web shooters, and grabbed them. He put the mask on quickly. As the pain in his head finished, his head shot up. He webbed and shooed the three men out of the way of the huge window.  Thankfully, he got everyone out before the window was shattered. 

A\N Sorry for the short chapter! But someone (You know who you are!) just kept pulling my hair to update.... Next update will be soon, okay? 

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