G-Gwen? Are... Are you there?

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**Steve's P.O.V** 

There was a huge crash, and the sound of shattered glass hit him like a bullet. The last thing he remembered was shielding Tony, (Clint could totally handle himself) whilst being shoved harshly to the side. When he opened his eyes, he saw the one and only Carnage. It only took a moment for Spiderman to realize what was going on. He flung himself onto Carnage's back, making Carnage stumble right out of the window. Spiderman yelped as he and the spider-monster free fell. 

"Spiderman!" Steve yelled, though he could only hear a faint thump. Looking at each other, Clint, Tony and Steve rush to the door. Bruce stays behind, watching the frantic news on the TV. 

Captain America was ready in about two minutes. Tony had already been ready; all Clint had to do was get his bow and quill. Time to get our Spidey back. 

**Peter's P.O.V** 

As he and Carnage free fell, Peter struggled to get loose of the monster's grip. Carnage's claws gripped and dug into Peter's right forearm. Peter yelled and screeched. Carnage growled and sneered. He looked down, noticing with fear that he was going to die. He was going to die knowing that Carnage is back and attacking the city. He was going to die. Giving up all hope, Peter thought about Gwen. I'm sorry, my love. I cannot fight his battle any longer. Peter closed his eyes, the pain suddenly gone. When Peter opened his eyes, he saw Gwen. She whispered gently to him. 

"Peter, my love. You can give up now, and join me in the skies and leave Carnage for the Avengers to deal with," Gwen's sad eyes met Peter's. "But if you do, you're leaving everyone that cares and loves you." Gwen's eyes shone with sympathy. "Peter, they need you. I need you to be strong now. Go back, show them that you do not give up. Show Carnage what Peter Parker is made of, not Spiderman." She pressed her lips gently on Peter's forehead. She then started to back away. Peter pulled her in. 

"No! Don't go... don't leave me alone again... Please..." Peter's voice shook as his eyes started to tear up. Gwen smiled sadly at him. 

"We will meet again, Peter," she grabbed him close. "And don't you dare die, Parker!" Peter laughed weakly. Satisfied, Gwen gave him one last final small smile, before fading away. 

Pain coming into view, Peter's eyes widened. Carnage snarled and spit in his face. Anger pierced Peter's soul. If he was going down, he was going to take Carnage with him. Suddenly panic rose in his chest. He was not going to die, not now. Summoning up all of his strength, Peter somersaulted backwards, still falling, and crashed his foot into Carnage's jaw. Carnage let go of Peter with a screech, throwing him into the side of Stark's tower. Peter crashed into the building, breaking the glass. He landed roughly, with a big oof! Peter got up slowly. He turned to see the shocked face of Steve. 

"Spiderman! Come on, let's get you to the medical bed..." Peter shook his head, not listening. Gaining up all his strength, Peter ran at the window. Time for round two... This time he was ready. He flipped out, with the shocked voice of Steve in the background. Steve reached out to him, but Peter was already gone. 

He went to Oscorp, for two reasons - he needed something to contain Carnage in. Once he did that, he was good. He went to Oscorp, snuck in easily, finding what he needed. He grabbed it, a container. Made with unbreakable glass. It also had a seal that nothing could escape. The other thing, he could find himself. 

Following the blood trailing to the sewers, of course, Peter followed with caution. He found his web where he found The Lizard. Glancing around, unsure were to go next, Peter heard a low growl behind him. 

"Any chance your the pizza guy?" Peter said, praying as he turned around. Please be the pizza guy, please please be the pizza guy! When Peter turned around, he was disappointed. He saw the red eyes right away. Carnage leaped at him. Peter turned and ran for his stupid pathetic life. Screaming as he ran: 

"You're not the pizza guy!" Peter yelled. "Good sir, you sure disappoint!" He tried to reason. He punched the good-living daylights out of Carnage; well, the person inside behind all of the red and black. He tried to speak to the real person inside of Carnage. I must be crazy, he thought. Then he smirked. Oh who am I kidding? I was always insane. He took off his make, speaking low and slowly. 

"I know that you are real! I know that you are not a dream; you have someone to go home to! Think about what you are doing; this is not right! You're a real person, snap out of it!" He slowly walked towards the huge creature, laying on the ground. Once he was close enough, his Spidey-sense didn't warn him fast enough. Carnage got up quickly, snapped his jaws once. Before Peter could move, Carnage had latched his jaws on Peter's left calf. Peter yelped in pain. Ripping his leg away, Peter scrambled away. Glancing at his calf, Peter winced just staring at it. There were several teeth marks, scratching away at his flesh. A lot of skin and muscle was missing; this was going to hurt in the morning. 
Carnage hissed at him, Peter's got him right were he wants him. His plan was priceless. If... he survived long enough. 

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