Carnage, say hello to hell.

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**Clint's P.O.V** 

Steve was shaken when they regrouped. He was holding his Captain America helmet. His hands where rubbing his helmet nervously, and he looked like he just saw a ghost. 

"I found Spiderman," Steve said, staring on the ground. Clint and Tony brightened up. 

"Oh great! Were... were is he?" Tony asked, looking around. Steve gulped before he spoke. 

"He.. He jumped out of the window before I could stop him, after Carnage I bet," Steve spoke quietly, like it was his fault. "I just don't understand," Steve suddenly said, with anger in his voice. "He was still injured, and he had new wounds," he clenched his fists in frustration, "and yet he insists on keep going and saving people, when he should be resting. I just don't understand. It's a death wish." Tony laid his hand gently on Steve's shoulder. 

"We can ask questions later, okay? We just need to find him, take care of that Carnage dealio, and then questions, okay?" Tony asked. Steve reluctantly nodded. 

"Let's find that Spider." 

**Peter's P.O.V** 

Peter ran as fast as he could. He had to lead Carnage above ground. Finding the manhole cover, with a snarling beast on his tail, he quickly climbed up. Swinging with his web, with the monster trailing below him, snapping at his feet, he trailed to find a fire hydrant. Eyeing one, he swing with all his might, he charged both of his feet at the top. Thankfully, the entire fire hydrant come flying off of the ground. Water squirted out of the hole in the ground. His sides, flank and arm fired at him furiously, but he had to ignore it. Water splashing at his feet, Peter aimed his electric web at the water below him. He had to move out of the way or he was going to shock himself. A band hit his head and everything was in slow motion. He glanced up, Carnage was leaping at him. No time... This was gonna hurt. He shot the web, and felt a huge jolt of electricity rush threw his body. Yelling along with Carnage in pain, he shriveled to the ground. Regaining his strength, thankfully quicker than Carnage, he grabbed the pipes from the fire hydrant and yanked them out of the ground. Forcefully stabbing them into the ground, he made a circle around the body lying on the ground. After planting about six of them near the monster, he grabbed one more. Running around in a circle, he hit the pipes one by one with the one in his hand, making a loud noise. Carnage screeched in annoyance, the venom slowly slipping off the person. Seeing his chance, Spiderman activated the small container on his right wrist. He smirked when the venom of Carnage slipping into the container. Sighing, he suddenly felt dizzy. Great, loss of blood most likely. He saw a bright light in front of him, along with some shouts that he couldn't make out. That was when he was out. 

**Third Person P.O.V**

"Come on, guys! We need to find him," Tony sneered in his headpiece.

"Do you think that we are searching for candy?" Clint snapped at him. 

"Well you are moving very slow-," Tony was cut off by a screech of pain. The three exchanged a glance, before rushing over to the sound. By the time they got there, they stood in shock as they saw Spiderman fall to his side, gasping out in pain. At once, Steve was by his side. He picked him up in a princess embrace. Man, this kid was light. He ran to the tower, not stopping once for Clint to catch up. 

"Get me to the medical at once!" Steve yelled at Jarvis. 

"Yes, of course sir. I will inform Bruce of your arrival." The smooth voice responded. Steve glanced at the limp body below him. He felt a pang of pity. 

Once the doors of the elevator opened, Steve saw that Bruce was there, and there were shortly joined by Tony and Clint. Steve laid him down softly onto the bed. Bruce mad a move to take of the teenager's mask. 

**Peter's P.O.V** 

Voices, urgent. Getting laid onto a soft bed. He was awake, yes, but he felt woozy. As the hand started to get closer to his face, he panicked. As his mask was lifted off his face, he saw hair flip in front of his eyes. He needed a haircut. A second later, Peter jumped on the bed, hearing gasps of astonishment below him. He flipped off, but soon regretted it. A pain bigger than he had before went through his head. He wanted to scrunch up into a ball and die. But he stood tall and proud. Breathing in the air, he slowly turned around with an angry expression on his face.

"You're awake.. Good. Let us look at your wounds, Spiderman," Clint said slowly and sweetly, reaching out a hand. Peter took the hand slowly. Clint smiled at him and sat him down on the bed. Peter took off the container on his wrist and handed it to Tony. 

"Give that to Fury. He'll know what to do with it," he sneered before continuing, "tell him not to do anything with it. Anything. Carnage..." he trailed off, guilt gnawing at his stomach. Carnage was his problem, and he had to deal with it. But he had no idea what to do with it. He couldn't hand it in to the police; what, say something like, "Found this on the street. Darn thing almost got away. Have fun dealing with it's evilness!" No. He couldn't. Tony nodded. 

"Spiderman-," Bruce started, but was cut off. 

"Might as well call me Peter now. You know everything else..." he mumbled angrily. Bruce nodded. 

"Peter, lay down. I'm going to stitch up the wounds on your calf, you don't mind if we cut off your suit again?" Peter stared at him with wide eyes, than he slowly nodded. He took off the front part of his already-ripped costume. He ripped off the pants legs taking his anger out on them and leaving the rest on his body. The others seemed hesitant to talk. Peter tried not to flinch away when the needle was poked right through his skin on his calf. Then again, on his arm. He grunted in pain, but it was small. Bruce looked up apologetically at him, but Peter looked away. 

"Peter.. would it be okay if we ask you some questions?" Tony asked, than seeing the angry the teen gave him, he added, "Not for S.H.E.I.L.D or anything, we just want to know answers," he put his hand on Peter's good shoulder. "We just want to get some things clear, okay?" 

There was a silence for a short period of time. 

"Fine, I'll answer  your questions," Peter said quietly, looking down. There he was, doing what he swore he would never do. 

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