One cannot be guilty for other's faults

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Peter looked down. Steve, Bruce, Tony and Clint just gawked at him. 

"Their deaths wasn't your fault Peter," Clint said, looking at Peter, his eyes full of depressing memories. 

"She was perfect. I told her that this was my fight, not hers. She said, 'You made your choice, now I'm making mine,'" Peter quoted her, with a small and sad smile on his lips. He felt a small tear drift down his cheek. "People like me don't deserve people like her. I tried to keep her safe, even though she insisted on coming. Gwen Stacy, always got what she wanted. I could've saved her, I could've. But I wasn't fast enough, it wasn't Harry's fault oh no, it was mine. She would still be alive if I kept my promise I made to her father." Peter took in a long breath. Then, with a heavy heart, he continued. 

"As for Captain Stacy... He was the chef of the NYPD. He saved my life from the Lizard, than shortly after he got stabbed in the back. If I wasn't taking so long to recover from being choked I could've saved him too. But before he died, he made me promise something that I regret not. He told me, 'You will make enemies, you will find people that you will learn to trust. But, keep. Gwen. Out. Of. It.' than he died in my arms. I felt guilt crash over me. I stayed away from Gwen, for about two months, then I gave in. I couldn't stop myself, I was so greedy. If I'd stay away she would still be working at Oscorp." Peter let out a shaky breath that he didn't realize he was holding. Letting all those words out at the same time felt like 1,000 pounds lifted off of his shoulders. He looked up to see all of the surprised and sad faces in front of him.   

"Anyway, thanks for listening, I guess. I don't know why I got all sappy and junk," Peter shrugged. 

"Dude, what a downer!" Clint exclaimed quietly. Steve shoved his elbow in Clint's gut. Clint let out a little squeal. 

"Sorry," Clint mumbled. Peter shook his head, attempting to smile. He blinked away his tears. 

"Nah, don't worry about it. Can we talk about something else, maybe?" Peter asked, glancing up. The three men in the room had taken seats. Peter stood up and stretched, most of the pain gone. A huge amount of pain ebbed at his side. Peter ignored it, he needed a stretch. Bruce stared at him with wide eyes. Peter looked at him with a questioning gaze.

"What?" Peter asked, looking around. Bruce's eyes fell of Peter's flank. 

"How do you feel?" Bruce asked, glancing at Peter's wounds. Peter glanced at the bandages wrapped around his left flank. He slowly took off the bandages and was astounded to see his skin healed over, leaving a light scar. He heard gasps around him and instantly Bruce was at his side. When Peter slowly put his fingers on the scar, he felt a small sharp pain. He quickly shot his hand away, whilst Bruce continued to poke at it. Feeling uncomfortable, Steve let out a small cough. 

"Ah-hem." Bruce snapped out of his little adventure, and turned to Peter. 

"Extraordinary," Bruce exclaimed, "I can't believe your healing system! Most men only dream of having that!" Bruce said happily. 

"Charmed." Peter joked, earning a few small laughs from the men. 

"I'm starving, how about you?" Tony smirked at Steve, pointing to the kitchen. Sighing, Steve walked over to the stove. 

"Yea, I think I could eat. The last time I ate..," Peter thought about it for a moment, "was maybe... Wait how long was I here?" He glanced at Bruce. 

"Only for about a day," Peter calculated the last time he ate. 

"About two days ago," Peter replied. When he saw weird looks, (including Steve from the kitchen, which was only about five feet away from the group) he continued. "With Spiderman and my patrols, I don't get to eat that well. But I do eat a lot when I get the chance. Spiderman and homework and school got in the way of my eating schedule. At lunch at school, there was a bank robbery. I couldn't stand idly by while someone was held hostage. Then, I got home, worked on my homework, did my patrol, than basically fell asleep on my roof. If I hadn't gotten up at 5 o'clock in the morning, I would've been caught. Then the shooting thing happened...," he shook his head and smiled. Clint cringed at the mention about the shooting. He scooted away, walking towards Steve who was having trouble deciding on what to eat. He soon decided that sandwiches would be the best choice. 


After eating the most delicious sandwich he's ever eaten, Peter took a small nap on the couch. Tony and Clint watched him sleep, as creepy as it sounds. Bruce was listening to what Tony and Clint were talking about, speaking up here and there. After he had eaten, Steve went to the gym to think. 

"What should we do about him?" Clint asked, not taking his eyes off the brunette. Tony gave him a questioning glare. 

"What do you mean?" Tony asked, there was a trace of a snarl, but mostly his voice was filled with question. Bruce looked up from the book he was currently reading.  

"About Fury! He still wants his hands on this kid, and won't stop until he gets what he wants," Clint rolled his eyes. Tony looked at the kid. 

"Well I'm not letting Fury get his hands on this kid until he is fully healed," Tony defended the teenager. Clint snorted.

"And how long will that be? He got stabbed and got better in a matter of hours, Tony. What happens when that bullet wound heals up? Which gives us what, like a day or two to figure out what to do with him?" Clint spoke loudly, only to get shushed by Bruce. 

"Well I-," Tony was cut off when the elevator dinged and Fury entered the room stomping. 

"Where is Spiderman?" His voice was loud and demanding. The sudden loud noise mad Peter jump up in the air, kicking the off the blanket that lay on his body. He stuck to the ceiling. He grimaced when his side flared up and his body when totally against him. He soon found himself back on the couch, gripping his side painfully. 

A\N Sorry it took so long. I got some requests, and so I tried to get it out asap! 

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