Spiders Can Be Deadly Prey

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**Pietro's P.O.V.**

"This him?" Pietro asked, setting the kid down lightly on the couch. 

"You got him!" Bruce exclaimed happily. Peter shook his head, and looked around. His eyes widened and a frown landed on his face. His expression suddenly changed drastically, his eyes shone with fury. 

"Why did you bring me here?" he snarled at Pietro. Pietro held his hands up in surrender, and stepped back. He was slightly startled by how the kid suddenly lashed out. 

"I-I.. Uhmm," Pietro stammered. Words, Pietro. What are words? Eh whatever. "I was told that you were important." Peter's expression changed to understanding. 

"Oh... Yes, I see. So, am I important because I am Spiderman? Am I important because I could be a threat? Am I important because you want to experiment on me?" Peter snarled. Wanda flinched. 

"You're Spiderman?" Wanda said, surprised. Peter whipped his head around to face her. 

"What? Something wrong...? Age, perhaps? Surely a teenager couldn't handle the big guns, like oh the great Captain America himself!... Oh man..." Peter suddenly swayed, sitting down. 

"Peter are you okay?" Peter starting murmuring under his breath. He crouched down, holding his hands to his head. Pietro did hear out, 'They lied to you... They want to kill you... Don't trust them...' Before he knew what was happening, Peter swiped his leg under Pietro's feet. Before he knew it, he thumped onto the ground. Peter jumped onto his two feet. Peter put his foot and Pietro's neck. Peter soon took his foot off of his neck, and his eyes grew wide with horror. He backed away slowly. 

"I-I..." Peter said, lifting his hands to his face. Tears fell free of his eyes. "I can't control it!" he yelled out of nowhere. Confused looks were exchanged. Pietro got up from the ground, he wasn't mad, oh no, he was only confused. 

"Peter... You're not thinking straight, okay? Come with me, we'll take you somewhere safe," Steve said, walking cautiously towards Peter. Peter nodded.  

**Peter's P.O.V.**

I started walking with Steve, and then I heard the voice again. That stupid, yucky voice. It felt like someone was whispering slowly in your ear. You can't trust them... They want to kill you... They lied to you... The voice started going faster, louder. You can't trust them.... They want to kill you... They lied to you... They lied to you! They lied to you! They want you dead! I covered my ears. 

"Stop it! Stop it right now!" Steve looked back at me. I glanced back at Tony, Clint, Bruce and the other two. I knew that tears were streaming down my face. My gaze shifted on Bruce, and I whispered: 

"Help me..." Bruce made an expression that I couldn't config, than left the room and running to his lab, most likely. The boy that I didn't know the name of put his hand on my shoulder. I started hyperventilating. I felt sweat at the back of my neck. Pretty soon my vision started to get hazy, and I saw black spots take my consciousness.

**Pietro's P.O.V.**

Peter started hyperventilating, then he just stopped. We all looked at him, and he stood up. He glanced at us, and I hoped that I was seeing things. 

"What's wrong with his eyes?" My sister asked. I nodded, the tears dried on his face, and his eyes were all black. The black retracted back to the pupils and his irises turned a bright red. He gave us all a devilish grin, and it gave me shivers down my spine. I heard a gasp behind me, and I turned to see a stare that Clint gave Peter; rather, it looked like he was staring right through Peter. 

"Hey, Clint you okay?" I asked him, and he stared at me. He looked like he was going to be sick. 

"No, this can't be happening...," Clint said, "Not again." Peter snorted and laughed. Once he caught his breath, he stared at Clint like his was prey. 

"Aww, are you scared little bird? You should be; this spider has quite a bite," he laughed. I glanced at Steve, who was in a battle stance, with a questioning glare. Peter started walking towards Steve, and glanced around. 

"Interesting," he stated, "it seems as if you haven't told two people about me. What, am I not that important to you anymore?" Peter pretended to pout. Steve gulped and walked forwards slowly. 

"Peter, you're not thinking straight, okay? Just listen to me, and we'll-," Tony was cut off by a snort. 

"Tesh! Trust, you? I did that once before, Tony. And see were it got me?" he waved his hand to the broken glass on the table and the blood that seeped through his clothes. He waved his index finger at Tony like he misbehaved. 

"Oh no, I've finished with that. I gave you trust," he motioned to Clint, "and I told you all my deepest secrets. You promised me that you wouldn't tell anybody that I was here, but here comes Mister Fury, telling me what I have to do. No no Tony, you've lost my trust. All of you did. I've learned one thing these past few days. Don't. Trust. A. Soul." Peter hissed. Tony cringed backwards at the sourness in his voice. Peter then smirked, and sat down at the bar. He crossed his leg over the other one. He played with the ring of a wine glass, then smashed it to the ground. 

"You know, I think that it'll be time for me to be heading out," Peter said with a shrug. He stood up, and Steve stepped forward, blocking his path. 

"I'm sorry, Peter, but I don't think that I can let you do that." Peter then smiled devilishly. 

"Oh my, are you saying that you can do something?" Peter easily flipped over Steve. I stumbled backwards with astonishment, knocking Wanda over with me. 

"And as for you," Peter said, looking at me and my sister. He leaned forward, his head uncomfortably close to my ear and whispered, 

"Prepare for a war." With that, Peter back flipped out the window with a laugh. 

A/N Sorry for all the drama, with Peter being hurt, leaving and such. This story will sadly be ending soon. Peter why did you leave again? I swear, that boy needs a leash. But who has taken control of Peter? O-O 

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