You know what I hate about being Spiderman?

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"What do you want to know? Nothing personal. Nothing including family members or junk like that," Peter snapped. He didn't know why he was so snappy tonight. Tony asked a question first. 

"Where did you get those scars?" Tony asked straight forward, pointing to the three long and deep scars in the center of Peter's chest. 

"'Nothing personal,' Tony. Do you not know what that means?" Clint scoffed. Tony shrugged. 

"I wanted to know." Clint rolled his eyes, Bruce finished with the stitching and Steve just looked very interested in the question. 

"I got it from about six months ago, when Dr. Connors- err.. The Lizard. In the sewers, he pinned me, getting a nice and clean blow on my chest. Yeah, none of it would have happened if..." he cut off, and shook his head. Steve looked up from staring at the ground for multiple minutes. 

"How did you get your powers?" Bruce asked innocently. Peter glanced at him, but didn't reject the question. 

"I was bitten by a radioactive spider," Peter answered truthfully, but in turn he got a full-on laugh from Tony and Clint. Steve shot them a warning glare, which went unnoticed. Peter glared at them.

"Oh man, that was funny, kid. Now, how did you really get your powers?" Tony snickered. Peter pinched the bridge of his nose with his hand. 

"Nope... I'm telling you the real truth. I was bitten by a spider from Oscorp that my own father created," his voice came out more strained than he intended to. Clint gave him an apologetic look while Tony just smiled sheepishly. Peter rolled his eyes, waiting for the next question. 

"How do you web-shoot?" Clint asked next, pointing at the watch on Peter's arm. Peter was surprised that he was asked the question, but didn't question him. 

"When I got bit by the spider at Oscorp, I found some string and webbing. I bought some,  and made my web shooters out of a old watch," Tony and Clint looked dumbfounded, whilst Steve and Bruce had a black face on.

"Do you think that if other people are bit by the spiders, or injected with their venom, that they would become another Spiderman?" Bruce asked, intrigued. Peter shook his head. 

"Why not? All they have to do is get bit, right...? And than poof, another Spiderman?" Steve asked, thinking deeply. 

"It has never been that simple. If it was just some silly venom that gave people super powers, than why did my dad destroy all of his work before he died in a plane crash? When my dad was creating the spiders, he made... extra protocols. His partner, Dr Curt Connors, later known as the Lizard, worked with my dad. He wanted a 'World without Weakness.' They were looking at cross species genetics. They were trying to find a way to mush two animals to make one. For example, in the Zebra Fish, the fish can heal itself... To put that in a human being would be unimaginable. My father did all of what he had to. My dad knew that if he made the spider, than Dr Curt Connors would make it to something greater, and my dad couldn't have that," Peter took a deep breath. All four men before leaned in. 

"So, when giving the spider the DNA that it needed to grow, he gave it his own. He knew that nobody could duplicate the recipe if he had his own DNA in it." There was a few seconds of silence. 

"How many villains did you defeat?" Clint asked. Peter laughed slightly. 

"The big ones that I've almost died? Well, The Lizard, thanks for the help by the way, Electro, Venom, Carnage and Green Goblin. The small ones? To many to count," Peter snorted. 

"What do you like best about being Spiderman?" Bruce looked at the teenager's eyes. 

"What do I like best about being Spiderman?" Peter repeated, thinking about it for a moment before smirking. "Everything. I love the danger, I love the free falling, and I love the saving." 

"What are your powers?" Clint asked, trying to lighten the mood. Peter smiled. 

"I can stick to almost any surface, using my hands and feet. I have super strength, hearing, scent and taste. I have a healing factor, I'm super flexible and have great agility. Not to mention that I'm really smart. Which one would be the best quality for battle, do you think?" Peter glanced around the room and waited for their answers. 

"I would say super strength," Steve replied. Peter nodded and glanced at Clint. 

"I would love agility," Clint confirmed. Peter raised his eyebrow. 

"I would have that healing factor, thank you very much," Tony agreed, pointing at his head. All eyes went to Bruce. The scientist looked startled. 

"I guess I would go with... uh... intelligence?" he said it in the way of a question. Peter just nodded. 

"You all have you little fantasies, but that's not the best one," Peter said matter-of-fact. Everyone shared the same bewildered looks between each other. 

"Throw something at me," Peter insisted. Tony looked dumbfounded. 

"You're injured... You shouldn't be getting up." Peter smirked at him. 

"Who said I would be getting up now?" Peter signaled for Clint to throw something at him. Turning to look the other way, he felt a small pain in his head. A pillow, how mature, Barton. He turned and caught it an inch before it hit him. He turned and dropped the pillow. Barton's hand was where it landed last. Peter laughed at their faces inside. They all stared at him so he explained. 

"I have this thing in my head that I like to call my Spider-sense. It alerts me of danger or anything that is coming my way," Clint's eyes went wide. 

"Is that how...?" Clint started, but Peter interrupted him with his hand. 

"Dodged your arrows? Yea." He looked away, as if embarrassed. Yet another long silence started to grow. 

"Why did you go after Carnage even you knew that you were badly wounded? Why risk your life like that, you're what, like 17?" Captain asked, breaking the silence and not realizing that he went into personal information. 

Peter sighed, "With great power comes great responsibility," his voice cracked and was low. Uncle Ben. He closed his eyes. 

"My Uncle Ben told me that the night he was shot and killed. It was all my fault.. I could've stopped him.. But I didn't. I didn't out of rage." His voice shook at the mention of his Uncle's name. Peter looked up to see all the looks of astonishment, so he continued. 

"Uncle Ben told me that if you could help someone, you had an obligation to help that someone." he felt like the tears forming in his eyes were going to fall anytime soon now. 

"And than I made a mistake of giving Dr. Connors the stupid equation. Stupid stupid," he slapped his  face. "I found his lab and everything, and decided it's time for this stupid war to end. I ended the Lizard. Right after I did that, Captain Stacy, Gwen, my girlfriend's, dad, passed away. I could't save him," he looked at the ground. "I didn't save him. I should have, but I didn't. It's all my fault. About two months after that, Electro came into view. My fault also. I forgot him, I told him I needed him, but than forgot who he was. He did what he did out of rage. He teamed up with the Green Goblin, who was Harry Osborn. My best friend," he saw everyone cringed at that fact but continued, "I defeated Electro by other powering him. Than Harry came. He killed Gwen; no.. I killed her. I could've saved her. He hit her head on the bottom of the watch tower.. If only I had been quicker... Steve I try to sacrifice myself to save this city to take back all the wrong I do. I do it 24\7 and I can't stop! I'm putting people in trouble... Bruce," The scientist looked up with wide eyes. 

"You asked me what I loved about being Spiderman. You know what I hate? All the sacrifices. Everyone would be better off if I'd be dead instead of Gwen. She was far to young, many people miss her, I still do myself, but nobody would miss the small scrawny nerd named Peter Parker."


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