Merc With a Mouth -End-

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Oh what's this? W-What this isn't the Spiders Never Forgive fic...? Well too late to turn back now. Hahaha. Btw who actually reads author notes? ((If you read this comment "Deadpool's Spider" in the comments xD 

So yeh after this one it's gonna be Spiders Never Forgive. 

pls dont hurt da child. 

Stark Tower

Medical Bay

6:32 A.M. 

"Spidey!" Deadpool, aka the merc with the mouth, squealed. Peter inwardly groaned, he did not want to deal with this. 

"Ohhhh you're so right!! He does look like a beautiful flower!" Deadpool swooned, fluttering his non-existent eyelashes at him. Peter lifted his hand up to his face to check-

his.... mask. Peter put his hands on his forehead and swung his head back and groaned. Loudly. Deadpool looked at him, concern flashing at his features. 

Seriously, how does his expressions show through the dang mask? 

"You okay, Spidey?" he asked softly. Peter took his hands off his forehead and gave Deadpool the most "areyouserious?" kind of look written all over his face. 

"Oh this," Peter exclaimed, moving his hand in a circular motion all around his face. "is the most peachy and wonderful day ever. Ever!"Peter honestly felt like flying out the window yelling, "screw all of you!" then splatting on the ground. He thought about it. Nah. Not today.

Peter groaned loudly, pushing his head into the pillow beneath him. He felt like crying as all his memories flashed in his head. Before he knew it, he was screaming as loudly as he could into his pillow, a flash of both mental and physical pain rushing through his body. 

He heard Deadpool frantically ask him something, but the pain was too pain for him so he only shook his head, tears now streaming down his face. He felt like fainting. Then Deadpool shouted some unknown words to Peter and as he did, most of the Avengers rushed into the room. 

Before long, Peter passed out due to the extreme pain. 


Stark Tower

Medical Bay

7:34 A.M. 

"What the hell was that?" Tony practically yelled, pointing to a passed out Peter. Bruce looked at everyone with a small smile of knowing on his lips. 

"He'll be fine... Just as I expected, his body is trying to get rid of Loki's spell, it's going to be painful for him, but it'll happen. He should be able to recover quickly. For now, let's just leave him to rest." 

"What are you even doing here?" Clint asked, glaring at the one and only Deadpool. 

"Well," Deadpool started, placing a sassy hand on his hip, "I hear that my little damsel in distress was distressing, so- it is so a word! Is to- Yeah take that! -so I dropped my mission to go and say hi." Everyone rolled their eyes at the merc with the mouth. Suddenly a thick British voice rang throughout the room. 

Sir, Director Fury is on the line. 

"Shi-," Tony was silenced by Cap's,



Stark Tower 

Medical Bay

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