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Forever is a long time but I wouldn't mind spending it with you

- Unknown

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"You mean to tell me after all these years, Marcel is alive and well?" Rebekah asked, swishing the bath water around. "Quiet." Elijah explained, on the other end of the line. "Our brother seems to have wondered into a war zone and I haven't been able to find him." He explains. "Marcel, who Klaus sired and brought beneath his own wing, now rules a menagerie of savage vampires. Running wild killing for any of the public to see. Witches are held in segregation. I doubt Niklaus had any idea what he was walking into." "Sorry, what was that? I stopped paying attention at 'our brother'." Rebekah cut in. "Rebek-" She cut Elijah off. "Our hateful, traitorous, bastard of a brother. Who's negated any sympathy I once had for him by his selfish ways to ensure you nor I knew what happiness was, outside of his own selfish universe."

"Always and forever, Rebekah. That is what we once swore to each other." Elijah informed her. "Well consider this me calling take backs." "Oh you've called take backs dozens of times over the centuries, and yet when our father found us and chased us to this very city." "I may be old Elijah but I'm hardly senile. I know very well I stuck with Klaus and not three years later he stuck a silver dagger in my chest and sent me into a magical slumber for 90 years. Do you know why? Because I had the audacity to try and live my life without him." Elijah was the one to cut her off.

"Enough. I believe our brother is in trouble. So whatever is going on between Marcel and the witches, it's dire enough that they'd risk bringing an original back into town. The witches have lured him here, and I'd like to know why." Rebekah shook her head. "Where will you be staying?" She asked. "Seems as if our old friend, Louis, still lives here. So I've heard." Elijah answered. "Pay him my respects." Elijah than hung up and looked across the road.


"You're doing magic?" The vampire asked Sophie. "I'm praying for my dead sister. Please, pay your respects." The vampires were quick to come up to Sophie's side. Before the one behind her could take a bite, he was swept up into the air. Sophie and the dark skinned vampire look around, alarmed. Something hit the ground and they looked at it. It was a heart covered in blood. Before they could do anything else, the last vampire was thrown up and stabbed in the chest with a dagger.

Sophie looked at the original. "I'm Elijah." He said, than looked at her. "You've heard of me." Sophie could only nod. "So tell me what business your family has with my brother?" Elijah threatened the small witch. "Not here." The witch answered finally after a while. "Well let me make a quick stop before we get there." Elijah said with a grin.


"What are we doing here?" Sophie asked. "You of all witches should know who lives here." Elijah said, rolling his eyes. "Of course I do. Louis Camelot lives here. He was one of vampires who landed here with you." Sophie answered. "Than you should know why we are here." Elijah said. He raised his hand and began to knock. A couple of seconds later and small, dark skinned girl answered the door. "How may I help you?" She asked. "My name is Elijah. I'm here to see Lou." Elijah answered. "Elijah Mikealson!? Is that your voice I seemed to have heard?" Louis said, smirking coming into the Originals view.

"Lou! It's been too long." Elijah laughed and went to hug him. "All in good times, brother!" Louis laughed. "What brings you by?" Louis turned to the girl. "Elijah said he needed to stop here. We were going to see the girl." Sophie explained. "Ah, of course." Louis answered, making Elijah confused. "You know why Klaus is here?" He asked. "I never knew he came back. I just know what he has done." Louis answered, walking towards the bar and started to pour himself and Elijah a glass of scotch.

"I've come by on a visit. And maybe in hopes you have spoken to Klaus." Elijah said. "That man hasn't been seen by me nor any of the maids. So no, I have not spoken to him." Just as Elijah was about to reply back, a soft voice stopped him. "Hey dad, do you have any tape in your office?" Elijah's heart stopped beating for a moment. "Oh, sorry. I didn't know you had a visitor. I'll just be on my way." Athena said, stumbling back up the stairs and into her art studio.

"I thought she was dead?" Elijah said, shocked. Louis only sighed. "If what you say about Klaus being back than I know somehow he will end up meeting her. So I'll just tell you the story later. For now," Louis places his glass down and calls for his daughter. "Athena!" His voice booms. In a flash, the young girl appears before Elijah. "Yes, Father?" Athena asks. "This is Elijah Mikealson." Louis says. "You're the original that turned my father. I remember the stories." Athena smiles at him, showing her perfect, white teeth. "You are a spitting image of her." Elijah whispers. "But how?" He asks. Athena turns to her father, who gives her a nod.

"Vampire can  not have children but I am not a full vampire. My mother was a witch who cast a spell to have me. I have the same abilities any other vampire has but with the exception of walking in the sun, eating human food, and dying." Athena explained. "Dying?" Elijah questioned. "I able to die like a normal human. So I must be careful." Athena adds. "I fell in love with her mother. I've wanted a child for over a thousand years, and Lucinda was able to give me just that." Louis explains. "When were you born?" Elijah asked. "1925. I'm not very old." Athena said shyly, looking down. Elijah looked up at Louis. "Well this is very unexpected." Elijah smiled. "Indeed it is, 'Lijah." Louis said smiling at his daughter.


"Father, why did Elijah say I looked like a spiting image of someone?" Athena asked, interrupting the silence at dinner. Louis sighed and got up from his chair. "Please clean up, I have somethings to talk about with Athena." Louis told the maids. They nodded and began to clean up the table, while Louis took Athena up to his office. He opened his door and walked up to the book shelf that stands in the middle, behind his desk. The shelf holds ancient books, even before Athena's father as she remembered.

Louis pulled a thin one from the middle and sets it on his desk. Carefully he pulls the pages open. Inside are drawings full of beautiful things that makes Athena curious as to who drew them. She loves to draw and paint, but these can not compare to hers. The page her father stopped at was a picture of a girl, smiling. Her eyes seemed to sparkle, even in the drawing. Once Athena took a closer look, she saw it was her. "Is this her?" Athena asked. Louis nodded. "This is my twin sister, Marcella." Louis says. "Who drew her?"

"Niklaus. Elijah's younger brother. I knew him as that as well as Marcella's first real love." Louis looks down, suddenly feeling empty again. "What happen?" "That, my dear Athena, is a story for another time." Louis closed the album full with Klaus's sketches and places it back onto the shelf. "Was it someone else or a tragedy like your brother?" Athena asked. "Sad to say, faith knew what it had in store for both of them. They both died the same way."

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