Huit | n o w

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Love is like the wind. You can't see it but you can feel it.

- Nicolas Sparks

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"Hey, Athena?" Turning around, with paint brushes in her hand, hair, and mouth, Athena saw Hayley all dressed and looked like she was fixing to leave. Hayley raised a brow at the clothing Athena was wearing looking back up at her. Athena looked down and blushed slightly. "I just woke up," Athena said. Hayley only raised her eyebrows more. "Pants are a bother." Athena scoffed and turned back to her painting. "Anyways," Hayley said and walked into the room. "I'm going into" Hayley swallowed which gave off a wave of nervousness that Athena was able to sense. "Town." Hayley added. "Do you need anything?" She asked. "More paints, but I think I would need to go with you." Athena said and bent down to pain a corner of the canvas.

"Well, if you do think of anything, call." Hayley said and walked out the studio. Athena turned to see her walk out and sighed with her eyes narrowed. She knew Hayley was going to do something. All she worried about was her getting caught by Marcel. Changing the channel on the radio she went back to her painting. Not giving a care of who was in house the house because she knew Rebekah and Hayley left, so she smiled to herself and began to swing her hips to the song playing. She was in her own room so the fact the she was only in an over sized t-shirt and her hair tied up in a messy bun, she didn't care.

Niklaus walked past the colorfully painted door and stopped as he heard the music coming from the room. The door was wide open letting him see inside and straight ahead. Athena was lightly dancing and while running her brush smoothly over the curves and edges of what she was drawing. The song was going slow, and Niklaus leaned against the door and watched enchanted by what she was doing. Softly, he was able to hear her sing to the song. "Something 'bout you makes me feel like a dangerous woman. Something 'bout. Something 'bout. Something 'bout you." Niklaus felt something stir in him as he watched her lightly sway, the large shirt barley covering her bum.

Niklaus was finally able to clear his throat which made Athena jump with a small whimper. She slumped her shoulders down as she saw that her hand went off to the side and had messed up the painting. Turning around she was expecting her father but instead came face to face with Niklaus. " what do you need?" Her nervousness showed more than it should and she shut her eyes tightly when she heard Klaus chuckle. He could smell it. Her hands began to shake so with both of them she held tightly on the paint brush she had in hand. It grew to the point where the brush snapped causing both Athena and Klaus to look down at it.

"So do you need anything?" She asked trying to get herself to calm down as much as possible. "Oh I just came to stop by and tell you I will be leaving. No one was home and I just guessed I needed to tell you, you would be...alone." As much as Niklaus didn't want to leave her alone, he had to have a talk with Marcel. "Thanks for telling me. I guess." Athena said and looked down to hide her blush. Klaus looked up and towards the painting she was doing but Athena quickly got in the way.

"Sorry. I kinda got it messed up." Athena whispered and looked down Embarrassed. "Yes...Well I will be back later." With one last look at Athena Niklaus walked out the studio making Athena sigh. Turning around she looked at the painting her had been doing. She was glad she had caught Klaus before he was able to see it. She had no clue why, but each time she saw him it hurt her to see him walk away and ignore her. But somehow she got it in her head to paint a picture of a man she had no idea about over 40 years ago when she first started painting. Of course the first picture she ever painted was of him. So on the canvas was another. It was of Niklaus Mikealson.

Again |1| Niklaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now