I Did a Thing

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It's been a while. I really hope you guys have been reading my books still. Yeah I have been sucking big time at updating but to be honest I think I'm done with these books. I haven't gotten back to watching the show at all, and it's a let down to have you guys waiting. I think I'm going to leave this one up and delete the second book. 

With that being said, I've decided I wanted to reach out to you guys and ask for your opinion. I want to publish my books. I want them to go somewhere. I want to continue writing and go beyond fan fictions. I'll leave these up I guess, because I know you guys still lave them and I love you for taking me this far. 

I owe it to you, for making me see how much I actually love writing and doing it in my spare time. I owe my love for writing to you, and know I will always be here because this is where you brought me. I want you guys to read some of my novels and some of my short stories and tell me if it's good and if I should keep going. I love doing this, I don't want to give it up. But I want to do something with it. I want more then just fan fiction, I want to hold my books and get told how great they are and how far I've gotten. But I want you guys to help me with that. I want you guys to help me edit them and to help me go further. We are the people who get wattpad books published. We are the people who get them turned into movies. It's a lot to ask to get them that far, but I know it's what I want to do. I don't know where to begin, so that's why I'm starting here on wattpad.

With that being said, I currently have three stories in the making. Two are novels i'm working on and one is a short story. The novels are tough to create but I really hope you guys love them. One is a little more mature like Twilight, while the other is more like Percy Jackson or Harry Potter. My short story is for sure general fiction. These are all fantasy books of course. If you want to find out more about them please be sure to ask, I don't mind explaining them to you. I currently have the Prologue to my Teen Fiction up. If you guys enjoy it please comment and I'll post the next chapter. My short story is in the works of being put up, on here.

I have also created a Patreon for those of you who use it. If you think it would be a good idea to post my fan fictions there then I will be more then glad to update some stuff there. But for now I have it to create my stories and the likes. I want you to tell me if you're willing, I want to be a good writer. 

As stated a lot, I love writing and I really want you guys to tell me how I do. Please give me your feed back. I'm sorry for not updating and forgetting about this. I haven't just know that, but I haven't been on task at all. I started college last fall so that was also an issue. Summer has begun and maybe if I don't have anything else to do I might come back to these. For now, I guess I am on hiatus from these stories. 

I love you guys so much. You have done a lot already for me and I can't thank you enough. If you were to do this, the emotions I would feel would be beyond me. I owe it all to you. So give yourselves a pat on the back. I love my readers and want the best for them. So please tell me what you think. You are what matter.

Again |1| Niklaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now