Chapter 1

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This had to be the fifth time my mum had shouted me. I got out of bed, put a messy bun in my hair and walked downstairs for breakfast. She was frying bacon and eggs, cooking beans and sausages, and whilst it was all cooking, buttering the toast. We were having a full English breakfast, and it was going to be the last time I was eating with my parents for a while.

I was going to boarding school in London, which was three hours away from the little coastal town in Devon I had called home all my life. I felt sort of nervous, seeing as I'd never called a big city home. And then there was the room mate worry I'd been having - I was hoping and praying she would be nice.

My mum and my dad, who had just come downstairs, were extremely emotional, and after trying to console them over breakfast to no avail, I escaped to my room for a shower. The warmth of the water was relaxing, and I almost forgot my nerves as I sat in the mirror to straighten my long, ash blonde hair.

I put on some moisturiser and curled my eyelashes, since I didn't wear makeup often. After I finished that, I decided to tackle my wardrobe. I decided on a baby pink teeshirt with grey hoodie on top, ripped skinny jeans and some white converse. I put on all my rings, and took one last look in the mirror before grabbing my handbag, suitcase and walking downstairs.

"Grab your coat, sweetheart, we're going now," my dad said, ruffling my hair. I took my black puffer coat off the stand and shrugged it on, going outside into the chilly morning air. I looked at my watch, and it was almost ten. We were on schedule, and relief washed over me. One thing I hate is being late.

The drive was around three hours, for most of which I listened to Bring Me The Horizon whilst sprawled in the back of the car picking at my nails. When we pulled up outside the school, my mouth fell open in amazement. "Oh... Wow!" I squeaked, hopping out of the car and grabbing my case out of the boot.

My parents and I walked into the school for an induction with the headteacher. His office was a high ceiling room with a massive, roaring fireplace and leather furniture. The mahogany panels on the wall gave the room a warm feeling. A smiling old man welcomed us in, and I sat down across the desk from him.

"Of course, I have to warn you that no drinking and smoking will be tolerated on the campus. In the daytime you can mix freely among the dorm rooms, however boys and girls must be back in their respective areas by no later than nine pm and sleeping together on campus is strictly prohibited. I highly doubt you'll be getting up to anything silly though, your records show you to be a model student," Mr Clifford smiled, wrapping up the meeting.

"These are your dorm keys, and I'm confident I have put you with a room mate that you will become firm friends with," he assured me, placing the keys into my hand. I thanked him, and left with my parents to go and find my room.

It was about five minutes of walking to reach my room. I knocked on the large oak door, and a girl opened it with a smile on her face. "Hey, you're my new roomie, right?" She checked, welcoming me into the room. "I am," I confirmed. "I'm Savannah, but please, call me Sav," I added. "I'm Ella," she replied, giving me a hug. I instantly liked her, she was easy going and kind.

"I guess we'll be going now, darling. We love you so, so much... Only a phone call away," my dad promised me, planting a kiss on top of my head. My mum hugged me tight, and blinked back tears. I didn't quite know how I would get by without them.

"So, Sav. The new school year is upon us and we can go and get our brand new timetables and locker keys, if you like!" Ella said excitedly. "I would love to," I agreed, leaving my suitcase in the middle of the room. Unpacking could be done later. Wait, was I already procrastinating? Well, shit.

"Ella Wright," she said to the teacher behind the desk, after we had queued for fifteen minutes. The timetable came out of the printer and Ella looked over it whilst I got mine. "Savannah Wilson," I said, and grabbed my timetable from the printer. I walked back over to Ella, who was eager to discuss.

"Ooh, we're in the same maths... And English! Science too!" She grinned. "History... Sociology... Yep, we're in all the same lessons," she confirmed before giving me a massive hug. Now, let's go pick up our keys, then we can go shopping for school supplies and clothes, then get coffee?" She suggested. "That sounds perfect to me," I agreed. "Yes!" She squealed excitedly, dragging me over to the next desk. Behind me, I heard scuffling and someone being knocked to the floor. "Pussy," a tall boy smirked as he stood over a boy on the floor. All I saw his a tuft of blonde hair poking out from under his hood, before he ran away from the teachers with his friends. Who was that?

We grabbed our keys, and went to find our lockers. They were next to eachother, thankfully. Ella and I strolled back to our room, and I got my purse and phone quickly. "I need new clothes," I muttered, fishing around in my purse. "Oh, same!" Ella sighed, checking her bank balance on her phone, reacting in a similar fashion as I did when I saw the money, or rather lack of it, in my purse. We were similar in more ways than one, I thought to myself as we began to walk to town.

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