Chapter 12

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Simon's POV:

She'd only been gone five minutes, but I had to text her.

To: Savannah
Have fun with Tobi and Harry. Well, as much fun as you can have with those losers... Jk jk. Ring me if you're worried about anything.

From: Savannah
Hey, don't be mean. Have fun with Josh and JJ the bullies - oh wait, you're one too... Jk lmaooo. Anyway, I will do. Thanks for caring about me so much Simon, it means the world to me☺️

To: Savannah
You better be joking or I'll fuck you up and not in the way you want me to either... Jk, but if you're up for it then give me a call yeah? Lmao, you mean the world to me so it's the least I can do. Anyway, stop texting me you antisocial freak🙂

I put my phone down and looked at Josh seriously. He handed me a lit cigarette and I took a long drag.

"I can't believe how this has turned out. We've signed it Simon. We have to kill him... What are we supposed to do?" He said, staring at the wall.

"I really don't fucking know. I knew, when I got to the house, I fucking knew," I said frustratedly. "I had to sit there, and listen to him talking about how I was a gentleman, and how Sav was lucky to have someone like me. That made me feel sick," I continued quietly.

"Oh Si... You're better off without her. We're gonna get seventy thousand each if we pull off this kill. Seventy thousand quid in your pocket or the girl? Choose wisely," Josh sighed. And my head and heart both instantly said Savannah.

"I can't lose her. Nobody has ever made me feel like she does. I don't wanna go all soppy on you Josh... But really. You know I've never been in a real relationship and she's the only person I want to be with. I can't just let her go," I said in desperation. Josh looked at me in sympathy.

"Come on Simon, pull yourself together. You've known her for about two weeks, you can't be this in love with her," Josh said frustratedly, rubbing his forehead. I stared at the ceiling, picturing her in my mind.

"Well I am. She's the only girl I can look at, okay? I can't help it Josh. I need her," I said, clenching my fists in anger. "Simon, we've signed a contract to kill her father and all you care about is yourself and your feelings. How do you think she's gonna feel when her dad dies? Aren't you going to feel guilty?" Josh asked angrily, almost willing me to agree with the intense look in his hazel eyes.

"Yeah, I'm gonna feel guilty. But her dad is a danger to everyone Josh and you know it as well as I do. She's better off without him," I replied shortly. "Simon, I know that her dad is a cunt but it's her fucking dad. So have some respect for the girl you supposedly love and leave her, because you should not be keeping this from her," Josh told me.

"No Josh. Her dad is a traitor to us, and his family. He's lying to them. And this isn't a little white lie, he's saying he owns a business when he's a fucking drug lord. It's been proven Josh, you know that they're on to him, and they've enlisted us to help. If her dad was found out, his life would be over, but it would turn his family's life in to hell too. We can make this work, we have to," I yelled, followed by a long silence.

"Simon, you know how to make things awkward. Stay with her, just don't let her know a thing," Josh said, rubbing his head. "Well the meeting is tonight. We're gonna have to explain what's happened to The Boss and take it from there," I said, swallowing hard to disguise my nerves. I knew this wasn't going to go down well. I just knew it.

To: Savannah
Hey. Somethings come up tonight ffs, but we can chill together after school tomorrow? Hope you're having a good day btw

From: Savannah
Aww, I was expecting a candle lit dinner Simon... Nah kidding, it's fine. I'll see you tomorrow. And yeah it's good, I'm just in Starbucks currently.

To: Savannah
I beg you stop being such a typical white girl. Jfc

From: Savannah
I beg you stop being a cunt

To: Savannah
What did you call me?

From: Savannah
I do not recall

To: Savannah
Imma fight you tomorrow. Prepare yourself

From: Savannah
Wow look forward to seeing you too babe

From: Savannah
Fuck. Tobi and Harry know I'm texting you. I've got to go.. Ring me later if you can. I've got some explaining to do now

To: Savannah
Ring me and put it on speaker. I'll be on mute, just let me listen to what they say

The call connected. "Go on then. Why the fuck are you texting Simon Minter?" I heard Tobi growl. "Someone broke into my room last night and chased me. I was on my way to your room, Harry knew I was coming over. Anyway, I was running up the stairs and Josh saw me, and took me into his room. He and Simon helped me out a lot. I was just saying thanks to him for looking after me when I needed it," Savannah said sweetly, and I could almost picture the innocent expression written on her face.

I listened for another twenty minutes. It was mostly warnings to Savannah to stay away from me, and she promised she would. I smirked, she seemed like such an innocent little miss perfect, but here she was, lying through her teeth - all for me.

JJ came into the room, breaking my train of thought. "Guys, we ready? I was thinking we could go and get food first, then head to the headquarters. Boss will fucking kill us if we're late again," he said worriedly. "Chill Jide. Boss is gonna kill us anyway at this rate," Josh said pointedly, looking at me. "Simon, what did you do bro?" JJ asked, looking at me in concern. Fuck, I loved this guy. He cared about me.

If there's any typos I'll sort them out another time I can't be bothered rn😂

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2016 ⏰

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