Chapter 8

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"So, what did you and Simon get up to?" Callum said darkly, sitting on the edge of the bed, facing away from me. I could sense that he was angry and tense, and he sounded like he had sobered up.

"Nothing happened with me and Simon... Chill out, Cal," I said soothingly, sitting up. I saw him relax and he turned around. "You can do so much better... Just look at you. You're gorgeous, you have a great body and you're so clever... What more could a guy want?" There was still a slight slur to his voice, and I felt a shiver run down my spine.

"Hey come here... Babe," he giggled, shuffling over to me. I flinched as he lifted me up and placed me on his lap, his hands travelling up my body and undoing my bra strap as soon as they touched it. I wondered how many times he'd done it before.

He cupped my breasts and pressed his lips against mine. "Stop," I said weakly, pulling away. He took a breath and moved his hands to my back, pulling me towards him and reconnecting our lips. His tongue ran along my bottom lip and I parted my lips. I'd never kissed anyone like this, and the warmth of Cal's mouth against mine was comforting and intoxicating, and left me wanting more. I moved my hands so they were around his neck, and he flipped us around so he was hovering on top of me.

"Have you ever kissed anyone like that?" He breathed in my ear. "N-no," I stammered, shivering under his hot breath. "That turns me on so fucking much," he whispered, and began to kiss and bite on my neck. I couldn't help it, I let out a yelp, because it felt good in the weirdest yet nicest way possible. I was beginning to loosen up and enjoy myself until-

"Cal, what the fuck? She's drunk!" I heard someone yell.

"Shit," he muttered, getting up off me.

"You sick fucker. Don't fucking take advantage of her. She's innocent to all this, so leave her the fuck alone. I don't care if she didn't tell you to stop, you can tell she's uncomfortable. You don't take advantage of a drunk girl, especially her!" They shouted. And I recognised it as Simon.

"Come on, get dressed. We're going out, getting food and we're going out for the night. I can't be here with him," Simon said, grabbing my clothes and passing them to me. I looked at him in confusion, and he stared back. "Come on Savannah, or do I have to dress you myself?" He asked in exasperation. A moment later, and I cracked a smile and began to laugh. And he couldn't help it - he began to laugh too.

"You twisted the leg up," Simon pointed out as I hoisted my jeans back on. "Maybe I should have taken up your offer before," I chuckled, tugging my jeans around so they weren't twisted and bunched up. "I wish you had," Simon laughed, helping me up. "Come on, let's go," he said, leading me out of the room. "You're not staying in the same house as that piece of shit," he muttered.

"Why are we friends now? You weren't exactly nice to me in school," I asked him again. "Well... I don't know. See, everyone will think I'm weird if they know that I hang out with you. I'm popular, and I have a big reputation. And you're, you know... Sort of a nobody. A cute, nerdy girl that no one knows. You see where I'm going with this? We are not your typical combination," Simon chuckled, driving through a red light without looking twice.

"Well yeah," I said softly, after a moment. "But why do you live your life governed by what people think instead of what you want?" I asked him carefully. "Savannah, you don't know me. There's reasons. The life I live isn't one I would wish upon my worst enemy - and I have a lot of those. Also, I would never forgive myself if I got you mixed up in the things I do," he replied. I nodded, sort of satisfied with his answer.

He parked up outside a fairground. "What the hell? Since when was there a fair here?" I said, grinning. "Comes every few months," he shrugged, shoving his glasses in his pocket. "I love fairgrounds, you know? They make me feel like a little girl again," I beamed, looking around in awe. "You know, you're just like a little girl anyway," Simon chuckled. "Let's get hot dogs and candyfloss," he said, walking over to the food stall.

We sat on the edge of the fair, watching the orange, red and yellow lights glittering before us. "Since when did fairgrounds stay open all night?" I frowned. "Good question, beats me. Probably just need all the cash they can get," Simon shrugged, scrunching up his hot dog wrapper and shoving it in his pocket. "I like it though. Everything's better at night, don't you think?" I asked him. He turned around and looked at me. "You make me think a lot things," he smiled, a strange expression on his face. I felt my heart speed up.
"Like what?" I asked him carefully.
"Don't say any of this to anyone. Especially not your... Friends," he snorted.
"I won't," I said, choosing to ignore his remark.
He took a breath and looked up at the sky.

"You just... You just make me feel things," he said finally, in a shaky voice.
"What kind of things?" I asked him, my voice shaking a little too.
"I don't like people. You need to know that. I don't get feelings for people, and I don't want people to have feelings for me. But I don't know... When I'm with you, I feel like maybe, it's possible for me. Its possible for me to have feelings for someone."
"Simon... are you saying that-"
"Shut up and fucking kiss me."

So I did.

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