Chapter 11

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"Ella?" I asked, walking into the cold, empty room.

She wasn't here, and the text I sent was still delivered and unopened. "Fuck fuck fuck," I muttered, ringing her in a panic. I'd been in my own little world where Simon was all that mattered, and my missing roommate dragged me right back down to earth. I had exchanged quite a few texts with Harry and Tobi throughout the day, and they hadn't mentioned Ella once.

"Ella currently can't take your call. Try again later loser," was the answerphone message that told me she was unavailable. To my surprise, Harry rang me soon after. "Harry? Have you heard from Ell?" I asked, panic evident in my voice. "Yeah. She went back to her parent's house with Ethan to introduce him, but there's no wifi where they are. Don't be silly Sav, we would have told you about anything dodgy," Harry chuckled. "Can I come to your room? I don't like it in here. It's kind of creepy on my own," I shuddered, looking at the open window.

I grabbed my makeup bag, toiletries and pyjamas with a change of clothes, bundled them into a hold-all and hurried out, and just as I closed the door I saw a figure appear in the window. To my horror, it was clad completely in black and for a split second I made eye contact with it. All I could think was run.

I sprinted down the hall way and down the stairwell. I felt unmistakably like I was being chased, which made me run even faster. Worse still, I could hear the echo of footsteps following me down the stairs, and I was stumbling, out of the building towards the boys dorm rooms, all the while aware that whoever was behind me was gaining on me quickly. The wind was blowing into my eyes and making them water, so that the lights were all a blur. Out of nowhere, my ankle twisted and I grimaced as the gravel bit into my skin. I clambered back up desperately and, hearing footsteps approaching, began to run again, biting my lip to mask the pain.

It seemed like I'd been running forever but I found my way to the entrance and burst through the doors, hearing them open again a short while later. My lungs were burning, my legs felt like lead, and the newly acquired cuts and bruises were making my eyes water, but I rushed up the stairs, looking up to see if anyone could help. Instantly, my eyes fell onto Josh, who was watching the scene unfold. He grabbed me and bundled me into his room, locking the door.

"What the fuck?" He asked, regarding my crazed, tear stained face and heaving chest. "Person... Thing... Climbed into my room... Chased me..." I gasped, slumping on the floor. I had sprinted a good 800m, I was sure. "This girls in a state. Help me out," Josh grumbled, waking up his roommate. My heart leapt as a bleary eyed Simon climbed out of bed and looked around at me.

"Oh my god, Savannah!" He gasped, rushing over and kneeling beside me. "What happened?" He asked, rubbing my back. Josh was watching with a stupefied expression, looking at Simon in complete confusion. "Someone climbed through my window and saw me so they started chasing me... I was going to Harry and Tobi's room but Josh saw me and brought me in here," I explained, calmer now I was in the presence of Simon. "Do you have any idea who it could have been?" Josh asked me, obviously forgetting his past grudge against me now he realised my safety had gone out of the window.

"No... No idea," I said, rubbing my eyes and clearing my throat. "Let's get you sorted out. Get a warm shower and relax. Fucking hell, you're shaking like a leaf," he chuckled, taking me to the bathroom. "Josh, sort her stuff out," Simon called, turning the shower on. Sensing I didn't really want to be alone, he stayed in the bathroom whilst I showered, obviously with the curtain around me. I didn't have an issue with Simon seeing me like this, but it was kind of too soon and we both knew it.

Simon held out a towel for me and wrapped me up in it, going getting my pyjamas from the room and bringing them back for me. I had packed a thin sweater and some shorts, so the cuts and bruises all over my legs were visible. Leggings had not done much to prevent me from hurting myself, obviously.

"Do you want to go and stay with your friends or stay here?" Simon asked gently, drying my hair with a towel as much as he could. "Could I stay here?" I asked, not in the mood to leave the room. "Sure," Simon agreed. Simon and Josh both had double beds for some reason. That was really lucky. "Si, I'm just gonna go and have a cig in JJ's room. I'm sure little miss perfect wouldn't appreciate smoke anywhere near her," he said. He was smiling though, and I could tell he wasn't being unkind. Josh opened the door and closed it straight away.

"Whoever chased you is waiting outside and there's two fucking more," Josh said, his voice shaky. "What?" Simon yelled, getting up instantly. He followed Josh to the door, and let it open slightly.

"Whoever the fuck you are, leave or I'm gonna fucking kill you! Don't fucking threaten my girlfriend, I'll stab you all," Simon spat. "We can have you arrested for making threats like that," a voice said knowingly. "Just try it," Simon said, but his voice was weak. I looked up, confused. "Do you... Know them?" I asked him. "No, I just kind of shocked myself... God, I know I shove people around but I could never hurt someone... That badly," Simon said, shivering a little. He got back in bed next to me, and a shaken Josh rolled back over to go to sleep, obviously too bemused to ask questions right now.

I felt Simon's arms wrap around me and pushed myself back against him, his chin resting on top of my head. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, feeling safe at last.

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