Chapter 3: Lez Be Friends

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A/N: HELLO! A Nice Lengthy chapter for you all! And thank you for the votes and comments. It's really good that i have your support.

This chapter is dedicated to @NiallLoverForever_ because she commented first! So thank you babe! 

The song is the most ridiculosly funniest song ever by The Midnight Beast! Check them out (Song at the side) I went to see them last october and it was some show! And i met them after it and they were so lovely. Also, they have a tv programme named The Midnight Beast so check that out! You wont regret it.  

I Hope you guys like this and it doesn't suck as much as i think it does. 



Words actually suck. Everything has already been said at least once. The last decent conversation I have had? That was too long ago to remember. Words are not nearly as good as music. It has its own kind of energy. Something special in every chord and every drum beat, especially when its live. I went to see Mayday Parade last October. Man, the energy? Ecstatic. Derek Sanders can make use of a small space let me tell you. It's funny because he wears all those bracelets that fans give him and he is wearing mine this very second. Maybe he has something to hide on his wrist. A little like me. Then again he seemed more well rounded and together. I'm more like a less perfect version of Kurt Cobain. I'm fucked and everyone knows it.

Putting the last words on his journal he looked up to the ongoing football game. He never understood the sport personally which was one reason he was an outcast to the whole of Lauderdale. Now-a-days every kid wants to be a footballer but not him. Since he was 7 he was singing and decided to play drums at the age of 9, he has gotten pretty good but he doesn't show anyone and his dad only tells him to pack it in.

Ashton's dad, Drew, was never supportive of his talent. He wanted his son to be a successful lawyer or doctor instead of a musician. In this economy you can understand why he was unable to think why Ashton would want to waist time playing drums to get absolutely nowhere and with his lack of people skills not a lot of people would want to be in a band with him. Despite all of that however, Ashton did have dreams and it was to start a band and go to music collage. The Royal Music and Dance Academy- Or RMDA for short- in London. He wanted to voice a generation and be the reason people keep breathing.

Lost in his thoughts, Michael arrived sitting next to him.

'Broseph!' Mike screamed and wrapped an arm around him. Ashton only cringed and scanned the area and that's when he noticed the divide. One side Lauderdale and the other side Clairmont High.

'Alright Michael?' Ashton more stated than asked.

'I'm absolutely brilliant!' Michael sniffed the air causing Ash to turn and face his very strange -may have been dropped on his head as a baby- friend. 'Smell that? That's the smell of girls- better yet? Clairmont girls.' Michael licked his lips as he scanned around for his potential 'pray'.

'Mike, they will never go near you.' Michael put one hand on his heart and pretended to be hurt.

What ever do you mean, Mr. Irwin? My hair and rugged good looks could get them all jumping on me in the click of my fingers.' Ashton laughed and quickly lit a cigarette.

'What do I mean? Well; firstly, you are part Lauderdale so they instantly wont like you. Secondly, you act like that.' Ashton shook his head and blew the smoke from his mouth.

'Listen, I bet you any money I can get any girl from that side over there.' Michael pointed to all the cheering and screaming girls. Ashton smirked and held his fag in between his lips before packing away his precious journal and stood up.

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