Chapter 10: Falling For You

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  • Dedicated to All my amazing readers

A/N: OH MY FACKING, GOD DO I OWE YOU ALL AN APOLOGY! SORRY! I haven't updated this is FOREVER so i understand if you hate me. This is like, a false sense of security and you will understand once you read it all. 

The song is 'Falling for You' - The 1975's and it is da business! I love it and it's so romantic :)

Oh and tell me what you think of it (even if you want to harrass me for an update) tell me here or my tumblr : because i am on there A LOT! So yeah. I plan on making a video to promote this but i will upload it do not worry 

thank you so much for being patient with me and remember to vote and comment



As Ashton sauntered up to the familiar building, his eyes shut and his forehead scrunched as he remembered the young girl's words

she misses you

'Yeah right.' he laughed and continued up the pebble path. Rhona won't miss him, why would she? He was nothing to her.

The sky got greyer and so did Ashton's mind. Maybe this isn't a good idea he thought. But it was too late: his thumb reached up and pressed the buzzer to her door which let out a loud buzz. He waited, and waited, waiting for the door to be flung open and reveal her, yet, he only waited. His hearing picked up as he heard a soft sniffle from behind him.

'Why are you here?' Rhona startled him, wiping her eyes, 'You should just go home.'

'Why aren't you home?'

'I am now.'

'You know what I mean.' he retaliated and she crossed her arms over her chest,

'Listen, Ash, I just need some time. You know, being humiliated infront of everyone takes it's toll.'

Ashton crossed over to her and placed his hands over her arms as he dipped his head to look straight at her. 'Roro, it was like five of the human population. I highly doubt Obama or David Cameron is going to announce it as breaking news. Calm down.'

She started to cry which, Ashton can only presume she was doing before. 'You p-probably think I'm a slut. A slut and a w-witch.' Rhona put her head down but Ash soon hugged her and calmed her down.

'Listen, you honestly think I would believe that douche? Over you? You must be horribly mistaken, sunshine.' He shushed her as her weeps got louder and she hugged him tighter. 'Lets get inside, is anyone home?' She shook her head and unlocked the door, Ashton still close behind.

'For a bad guy,' Rhona started, 'you're actually pretty decent.'

'Only to you.' She turned round to see his half smile appear on his face. 'I would be anyone you wanted me to.'

'How about you be yourself.'

'If I was myself, you wouldn't be inviting me in.' He laughed faintly rubbing the back of his neck. 'Where is your mum then?' Ash asked, trying to change the subject.

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