Chapter 18: Don't

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Ashton sat in shock as Michael moved his lips. He didn’t know what to do. This was his best friend and the one person he could turn to.

Michael stopped and looked at Ashton with such admiration that Ashton once mistook for a best friend look, he never thought it would mean so much more.

“What the fuck, Mikey?!” Ashton exclaimed.

“Ash I’m sorry I really shouldn’t have but I couldn’t help it.” Michael stood up and wiped himself down.

“Michael you can’t go kissing your best friends when they aren’t gay! I never had you down as a-“Michael cut him off.

“Don’t even say it. Do not even fucking dare.”

“What? A faggot?” Ashton laughed. “You don’t like that term huh? Says the guy that uses it more than he should considering what you are.”

“You aren’t gay, okay I get it. But listen to me, you have to understand that I’m always there for you!” He started to raise his voice as Ash walked away but he followed him and continued. “I’m always fucking there! When you have a hard time at home who is there? Me. Oh and when you fuck all those girls and come to my house feeling like you’re worth nothing, who picks you back up? ME!”

Listening, Ashton soon turned around and grab his distressed friends shoulder.

“Wait a minute! How was I supposed to know? I get you’re confused but don’t blame me for not feeling the same way!” Michael laughed and shoved Ashton off harshly. “I can’t read your mind! And even if I could I wouldn’t act on it. I am not anyway attracted to guys.

 I wanna be your friend I don’t ever wanna lose you.” Ashton’s voice began to soften.

“Are you sure you wanna be friends with a faggot?”

“Michael don’t...”

Michael turned round and started to get red in the face, “You wanna know something? I expected this from everyone. Y’know to turn around and act like a dick and call me a fag? But to hear it from my supposed best friend who I care about? Now that is a real low. I understand completely you aren’t gay and what I done, yeah, I shouldn’t have just kissed you.” Ashton nodded and sniggered, “I just wanted to know you either felt the same or would help me come to terms with what exactly I am. Instead, you just...”

“I just what Mike? Reacted like anyone who was kissed by their best friend?” Ashton held the bridge of his nose lightly, “I have enough on my plate nevermind this.”

That is the moment Michael lost all hope.

“You act like you’re the only one with a problem in this whole fucking world you don’t get it!” He raised his voice. “WE ALL HAVE PROBLEMS! And you’re most concerned one is a chick you met a few month ago. Well guess what Ashton Irwin? I have a shitty life too and I never once complained and I got on with my life. All the shit I’ve been through? You wouldn’t believe if I told you.”

Walking away, he looked over his shoulder before shouting, “The world doesn’t revolve around you asshole!”

A/N: I AM SO SORRY! I have left you all waiting for far too long and i'm sorry. i'm trying to update all of my stories. Even if it's just a short filler.

I am currently working like 10am - 6pm every day so it's hard to fit in writing. But I am trying

Please don't hate me and thank you for supporting this story :)


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2014 ⏰

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