Chapter 5: cheatercheaterbestfriendeater

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A/N: Hello you sexy fuckers. Hope you are all doing well! I've been really happy this week. I got my appeal for english and im in advanced higher! Life is really good atm and i hope the same for you guys.

I wont keep you reading this for much longer. I hope you enjoy this, it's a bit dramatic. It's like a good episode of Eastenders :)


Entering the school building, Rhona headed straight for her first period. No faffing around. She has been on edge ever since yesterday's incident with Ashton. She constantly looks behind her and doesn't dare look out the window.

The crowd flooded in to the school with no clue. No clue how terrified she was. No clue how much she wanted to bump into him again. She needed something different in her life; some adrenaline, something new and unpredictable.

She was pushed around a little until she nearly hit the floor but someone caught her.

'Thank you.' She muttered and patted down her dress. When she looked up her eyes met with her loving boyfriend, Niall. He kissed his cheek quickly.

'No bother love. There are some right weirdos in this place y'know?' Niall laughed and grabbed her hand. 'So what did you do yesterday?' He asked while waving a few hello's to those passing. It was one of the things Rhona hated about him, he was to friendly to everyone. Never just kept himself to himself. That's how you get hurt.

'yeah, I just went for coffee and that.' She replied trying not to sound like she was lying. Technically she wasn't, she just wasn't telling him the whole truth. Niall nodded and stopped Rhona in her tracks.

'Are you positive that is all you done?' she knew he was sceptical but couldn't understand why. No one was around yesterday.

'Positive. Ni, we will be late for class.' she laughed nervously.

'oh really? Then you just weren't sleeping around with that prick Irwin?' he was getting angry and she was getting offended.

'Excuse me! Don't swear,' She began to whisper 'I haven't even had sex yet let alone with him so get your facts straight and grow up.' she looked at him and he had a smirk on his face.

'Well guess what? I Have.' Rhona stepped back a little.

'You mean?' she trailed off 'you cheated?' He nodded looking pleased with himself.

'Rhone, you left me without it for 7 months.'

'I WASN'T READY' She screamed grabbing everyone's attention. 'You're nothing but scum! I thought you loved me!' She was full on beefing now.

'I do love you but clearly you didn't enough to give yourself to me.' Niall hissed. Rhona has always had trust issues with people. Especially men since her dad left when she was little.

'You know exactly why I didn't.' she muttered while bowing her head down.

'Aww yeah,' Niall started and Rhona lifted her head up, 'your little abandonment issue with your little daddy' she heard laughs from all around her and she shook away the tears.

'My dad wasn't there for me that's true but guess what? At least MY dad isn't a junkie who sleeps with every girl that is willing.' She emphasised 'my' and new she hit a nerve. 'Oh here is another thing you should know. You will end up' She spat at him and slapped his face. She couldn't believe his ignorance. His face was red for two reasons; her hand print and his anger.

'WELL Y'KNOW WHAT? ASK SJ HOW I AM BECAUSE YOU ARE NEVER FNDING OUT!' Niall screamed violently at the shaking girl.

Rhona ran. She didn't care where she ended up but she was stopped by SJ, her supposed to be best friend.

'R, what's the matter?' She acted sincere but Rhona just scoffed and slapped her too.

'You are the most vindictive human being I have ever met.' She looked back to a smug Niall. 'I hope you two are happy with each other.' She ran out the school with her head down to avoid peoples stares and glances.

Never has she been so humiliated. Niall was supposed to respect her decisions because that is what boyfriends do. All This time she was thinking about when was the right time but it never seemed right. Maybe this was Gods way of saying 'there is someone better' but even then he is the cruellest bastard out of them all. He is supposed to help everyone and be there for everyone yet right now he seems the furthest away.

She managed to make her way home but she continued to walk down the street. She stared at her house as she walked wondering why she was walking passed it. Surely at a time like this the only thing to do is get ice cream and watch Disney movies. Maybe that only happened in Disney movies. If so then the writing team need a teenage girl that has dealt with this to write. That's a good idea actually.

Ringing came from her phone in her bag making her scurry to find it: these are the times having 'Rolling with the Homies' as your ringtone are not the best.

'Hello.' she sniffled.

'Couldn't keep away eh?' a familiar voice echoed down the phone.

It was him.

The one she didn't want to see nor speak to right now.

'Ashton.' She stated. 'Wait, how did you get my number?' She crossed her legs and bit her nails waiting for a reply.

'I have my minions. Listen, are you going to keep standing outside my house or would you like to come in?' He laughed as she looked around to find him. Look up to your right.' She followed his instructions and right enough there he was, hanging out his window. 'Do you wanna come in?' He waved still on the phone.

'No thank you.' She lied. She just wanted to be away from everyone.

Except him.

'Come on? It's getting cold.' She shook her head and headed for the front door. As she was about to chap the door when it swung open. 'Funny seeing you again.' He ushered her inside and locked the door.

'Why aren't you in school?' She queried

'Why aren't you? I thought you were right into your education?' he started to walk upstairs with her following behind.

'I'm...unwell.' She lied and scratched her arm.

'So unwell that you are wandering the streets? In a Dress?' He laughed. Rhona simply smiled politely. 'Have you been crying?' he asks once he gets a better look at her. Her eyes were puffy but not too much.

'No.' She snapped. 'Its just uh...'

'Rhona?' Ashton stopped her midway through her next lie and lifted her eyebrows. 'The lies might work on your boyfriend but they don't work on me.'

She cringed at the word boyfriend and looked away.

'Wait, did he do something to you? Did he hurt you?' He started to get angry not unlike Niall had done earlier. She said nothing. 'What the fuck did he do to you?' He clasped her face in his hands and made her look at him.

'Nothing.' Rhona felt herself begin to cry and she bit her lip to stop it from trembling.

'Did he touch you? I swear to go-'

'H-he cheated. With my...' She couldn't continue and burst into tears.

Ashton's face began to soften at the sight of her infront of him. Never had he seen someone so hurt over a break up. Maybe it was because he was never in a serious relationship. He hugged her tightly and quickly pulled away.

'Wait here.' He ordered and grabbed his jacket from his room door.

'Ash, don't do anything you will regret.' she pleaded but he just stormed away.

'He will regret this, not me.'

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