chapter 16; all our bruised bodies and the whole heart shrinks

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Ashton stood up and began to walk away.

“Wait a minute!” Rhona chased after him. “You can’t say you have feelings for me and then just run away! That’s not how it works.”

“I’m not running away, I’m sauntering away.”

“Don’t get sassy on me Ashton.” She pulled at his arm making him stop and turn around.

“I’m no good for you! I’m a fucking waste of space. I’m just a stupid kid. I’m no fucking use Rhona! I’m nothing. So please, please… Get it into your head that you need to stay away.”

She stood there as Ashton finished screaming and looked at her with pleading eyes. He looked broken.

“If you wanted me to stay away then why did you tell me you liked me?” Rhona questioned.

“I needed it off my chest. If I formed it into words then it would no longer be a thought that had power over me. Once words are uttered the brain is at peace.” He stopped and started to walk away. “I’m just a problem you don’t need.”

But Rhona wasn’t having any of it.

“You don’t think I can handle my problems? That…that I’m some girl that runs to her daddy when things get tough? Well think again you ignorant asshole.”

“I never even said anything like that.” He retreated. “I would just be an unnecessary addition to the one hundred problems you clearly have.” He uttered sarcastically.

“You’re a real dick, Ashton. Why won’t you give this a chance?!”

That made Ashton direct all of his attention to Rhona.

“Give ‘this’ a chance?” He questioned and pointed between them, “I gave it a fucking chance Rhona,  you’re the one that ran away to Luke. You knew how I felt that night and I know you felt the same way! You just left me!” Ashton started to get really angry, running a hand roughly through his brown hair, “Maybe you knew I was going to be a problem. That’s all I am.”

“No it’s not Ashton.” Rhona stepped forward and sighed loudly.

“Then why the hell did you leave? What were you so scared of!”

“YOU!” She screamed back and started to cry in frustration. “You made me a monster, and I love it. It’s been over a month since that day at the game and it’s been over a month since I’ve changed. It scared me, but now, I know I need you.”

“No one needs me Rhona. Like you said I changed you. I scare you.” He grabbed her face to look at him, “I’m giving you a ticket out of this mess. Take it”

“What if I don’t want to leave you?”

“Then you wouldn’t have left that morning.”

All Ashton felt was hatred, more to himself than her. He needed to protect her and if that meant from himself then so be it.


It’s been a while since I wrote in this. I fucked up. I let her get too attached to me. I shouldn’t have but I did. I destroyed her, she said it herself. I think the worst thing is, I’m not even sorry. I’m just sorry she made me feel when I spent so long burying my emotions.

Michael said to me ‘if she breaks your heart, she won’t be breathing.’ So I won’t fall in love with her to save her life.

One thing I’ve learned in my life and that is too never look back. So I won’t.

Goodbye Rhona.

A:N - I was working on Vices when this came into my head so here. It's really bad i'm sorry.

It is pretty sad and to be honest it only gets worse so, get the tissues. 

The song is by La Dispute who make the best songs in the world. Trust me!


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