Chapter 8:Jesus of Suburbia

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A/N: This isn't the best chapter the world has ever seen, but it's quite funny.

So listen, i am trying so hard to update but it ends up in dibs and drabs all the time :( Applying for University is actually a lot harder than i expected. So don't worry, i am trying :)

Just a short chapter. Nothing special. But i hope you enjoy it


'Rhona?' Luke started to speak for the first time since they got into the café. Rhona looked away from Ashton and gave all of her attention to Luke. 'What are your favourite bands?' It was just idle chit chat but Ashton couldn't stop but be protective over Rhona.

'Oh, I like all kinds of different bands,' she pondered for a moment. 'I love the Maine!' She smiled and so did Luke.

'They are brilliant! They have completely changed their style though.' Luke commented.

'Yes they have but they have changed it for the better, do you not think?'

Ashton watched as they got lost in conversation and couldn't help but ball up his fists. He wasn't denying he wanted her to himself. Not necessarily to be a couple, but he wanted to own her. So she was his, no one else's, especially not Luke's.

Luke and Ashton have always had tension ever since a little incident last year. No one would know it but Luke wasn't as shy as everyone thought. He plays the whole 'social anxiety' card but Ashton knows that's not the case. He just doesn't want to open his mouth in case he lashes out. That's why Ash was scared. Scared of Luke losing his temper and attacking Rhona.

'Dude?!' Michael shouted grabbing Ashton's attention.

'What?' He snapped back and Michael put his hands up in defence. Ashton shook his head and looked down at the pale brown table. 'sorry mate.'

'I'm away for a fag.' Ashton announced to everyone, quickly and angrily going out of the shop.

Why the fuck am I acting like this. You absolute prick. Ash thought as he lit his cigarette. Everything was getting fucked up and it was his own mind that was doing it. He looked at the scenery around him and exhaled the smoke.

'Bro, what's up man?' Michael asks as he walks up behind Ash. He places a hand on the distressed boys shoulder and looks at him gently. 'You're acting like an ass. You know that right?' Ashton shrugged Mikes hand off him and gave him a stern look.

'Fuck. Off' Ashton took another drag of his cigarette eventhough it wasn't calming him down.

'You like her don't you?' Michael laughed joking. But then he looked at Ashton's face. 'you DO like her? Holy Shit!' Michael clapped and danced a little. 'Fuck me man! You actually like a girl?'

'I don't!' Ashton reacted.

'Oh...' Michael stopped and tried to hide the smile on his face. 'you like BOYS then. I knew there was something weird' Ashton pushed him away.

'Just shut up. Right?' Threatening Mike was something Ash had never done so you can understand why Michael was taken aback.

'Whoa, Ash? Listen we are mates right?' Ashton nodded.'So...I know you better than anyone. Something is up and to be honest, I know what is up and where you wanna put it.' Ashton rolled his eyes and threw his fag into the puddle beside him.

'You are so classy Clifford.'

'Are you trying to say you don't want to have sex with that girl in there?' Lifting his eyebrow up he stood and waited for an answer.

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