⌈chapter three⌋

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Nobody's POV

(Y/N) scoots away from Bill in a panic, letting out a quiet squeak while doing so. Bill raises his eyebrow in confusion, and stands up, trying to help her up and explain to him what you're doing. (Y/N) continues to back away, looking back from time to time. Bill asks her a question, but she shakes her head.

"(Y/N)! What's wrong?!" Bill asks her, grabbing her arm.

"Bill," She stutter. "Is there something you haven't told me?"

He stops in his tracks to think. He knows that if he messes up one sentence, he and (Y/N)'s friendship will be over. Possibly forever.

"What do you mean?"

"You.. Have a brother, don't you?" (Y/N) asks.

Bill stiffens and gulps.

(Y/N) stands up, using Bill's arm to help her. "We need to talk. And you better tell me everything, Bill."

He sighs and nods his head in defeat.

"I'll tell you everything there is to know."

Bill sits back down and lays down on his back. (Y/N) is confused, but sits down with him, but keeping her distance.

"We are going to be here awhile, Doll." Bill sighs.


"What do you want to know, (Y/N)?" Bill asks.

"Lots," You start, and thinking a bit before speaking again. "Not lots. Everything you've kept from me."

"Some things aren't meant to be shared, but fine," Bill grumbled.

"I have one brother. Tad Strange Cipher."

"Cut the crap, Bill. Quit bluffing." You growl.

"My parents. Six feet under." You cover your mouth at his words, and intensely feel horrible. He grew up with only a brother.

"If you don't mind me asking," He looks at you mid-sentence. "What happened to them?"


"Uhm, Bill-"

"My father was stabbed forty-seven times in the chest." You felt your stomach twist harshly at the words. "Also, my mother."

"Oh Bill, I'm so sorry. If I knew-"

"The murderer was never caught or found. No evidence was found, and I've been with Tad ever since. I was only about five when it happened."

Tears were going down your cheeks, and you sniffed.

Oh, what a horrible life Bill's gone through. He never really got to spend much time with them. He probably doesn't even remember them.

"I feel like I should miss them. But I don't." You twist your face at his words. "I never really got to know them, you know? I feel like if I did know them better, I would miss them more. But you can't miss somebody you don't love. It's like missing a stranger. What's the point?"

You stay quiet, hugging your knees again. You were in full deep thought and couldn't get the gruesome picture out of your head. Stabbed. To you, that was one of the worst ways to die. What's even worse is that the killer was never found. Knowing that the person who killed your parents, they are still on the loose, and haven't been charged with murder. How does somebody physically grab a knife, and put it through somebody's body?

You clear your throat, and Bill turns to you. "Is there... Anything else I might need to know?"

"I'm going to Gravity Falls with you."

"Huh? Bill-"

"I can just stay with my brother, he lives over there."

You smile at his words. "I'd love to be with you all summer, Cipher."

Soorryy for the late update!

(549 words)

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