⌈chapter sixteen⌋

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ahh, i love talking to you guys! (: you guys are so nice and friendly, and it's so fun to listen about what you think about what's going to happen next! here's a topic to talk about;

if you had to choose between bill and tad, who would you choose, and why?

me, personally would pick my husba- *coughs* i mean, i would pick bill!

anyways, onto the chapter you might be dying to read!

From the last chapter...

Bill chuckled and hugged me closer. I sighed, and slowly hugged him back. God, I missed this. I wish everything could just go back to normal, where there was no Tad, me and Bill still were friends, and nothing was messed up.

Bill leaned closer into my ear. "I can make all that happen, dear."


Bill smirked. "Let's make a deal."

(Y/N)'s POV

I cleared my throat. "What kind of deal?"

Bill smiled. It wasn't just any kind of smile though, it had this.. creepy and manipulative feel to it, but I ignored that. "One that benefits the both of us dear,"

I wanted to cut to the chase. I wanted to know what this deal was all about. "What will you get and what will I get?"

"Darling, calm down. I'll tell you," Bill started, looking away and sighing. "All I want is that journal," Bill looked back at me. "You know, the one Ford has. I need it."

I raised an eyebrow on why he needed Ford's journal, but then thought about this deal. Could I get anything in return? Or does Bill pick what I get? If I could, I would wish for something good.. Like.. Concert tickets!

Bill chuckled. "Alright darling. Whatever you'd like."

"Are you serious? I just need to get you that one journal and that's it?" I stood up. "This will be easier than I thought,"

Bill held out his hand, and motioned me to shake it. "So it's a deal."

I nodded my head, and placed my hand in his, and right before we shook on it, more problems arose.

eh, i know it's a short chapter, I'm sorry! but i just wanted to have some short ones before a longer chapter. also, keep sending in those questions for the q. & a! and don't worry about a time, you still have plenty! and ask as many as you'd like!

(400 words)

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