⌈chapter eleven⌋

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(Y/N)'s POV

I tap my fingers on my thigh in boredom. Why did Bill want ME so much? Couldn't he just pick somebody else? What's so important about me that's different?

"Well, you know, Bill's kind of in love with you, to a certain point I guess." Tad shrugged.

I jump back in surprise. "You don't have to read my thoughts! That's kinda my personal stuff!"

"Why? You thinking of things you shouldn't be?" Tad smirks.

"N-No! Ew!" I blush.

Tad laughs and swirls his drink around in his cup. "You want some?" He asks. 

I back up as far as I could before hitting the wall. "NO!" 

Tad raises his eyebrow. "Huh. I thought you want to try some wine." 

My face went all red. "Win..Wine?" 

"What? Did you think it was baby blood or something? Or maybe you thought it was blood," Tad rambles. "It's not blood, cause if it was, Bill wouldn't be too happy."

I sit down on the floor and shake back and forth. "I..I... I thought you meant something.. Else.." 

Tad drops his wine glass and bursts out laughing. You now have a smile yourself. You started laughing with Tad, and hold your stomach from laughing. The laughter soon dies down, and you wipe away some tears.

"You really thought I meant it like that?" Tad smiles.

"Well, yeah," I answer. 

"Oh god," Tad says and looks at me.


"Bill," Tad starts. "He's home.

thanks for reading! sorry for such a short chapter, i promise another long chap. will be up soon!

(261 words)

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