Chapter 8

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I woke to her monitor sounding like her heart stopped beating, I was nurse’s come in getting us all out of the room we all just started sobbing. The doctor came out, “She’s okay and now awake.” She said as we nodded we all rushed in there as I ran straight to Cora as she smiled a little at me, “I’m okay now.” She said horsely as I kissed her head. As she hugged me, “Dad can I talk to you privately?” I nodded as they left to get coffee or something to eat, “I saw grandma.” Was all she said as I looked at her, “you saw mom?” I mumbled, she nodded, “She said that she is watching over us and that she loves us.” I smiled at her sadly as I hugged her close, “She also said that she love’s the way you’ve grown into the man you are now and that she is proud of you.” I smiled as I sat on the edge of the bed. “Alright well don’t scare me like that again.” She giggled, “I won’t try to daddy.” I chuckled at her as I wrapped my arm around her.


I woke in a white paradise I looked around to see Dad’s mom, she looked at me as she smiled hugely, “Hey sweetie.” I giggled, “Hi grandma!” she hugged me, “You’ve grown!” I looked at her confused, “Your mother told me she was pregnant before I had passed but she was scared because she didn’t know if it was Austin’s or not.” “Eh my mom is a bit of a whore.” She laughed, “I know I’ve watched over you and Austin.” I smiled, “But sweetie It’s not your time.” I sighed, “I know I can feel it.” She smiled, “Tell Austin that I’m watching the both of you, and that I love you both. Also tell him that I love the man he has grown into, and also that I am very proud of him.” I giggled, “Okay grandma I love you.” She smiled at me, “I love you too sweetie.” She said as I felt myself get pulled into my body again, when dad ran in I told him what grandma had said he looked relieved but also scared, “Just don’t do that ever again.” I nodded, “I’m sorry if I pulled you guys out of Warped Tour I bet all your fans hate me.” I said as I looked down at my hands, “Never Coraline.” I smiled as he handed me my phone. I saw a text from Derek.

Derek: hey this not be a great time but I think I only like you as a friend I hope we can still be friends.

I shrugged, I wasn’t entirely hurt by it I mean I thought we were only friends anyway… I texted

Me: I thought we were only friends anyway…and I thought we are friends, I’ll text you when I can, my doctor needs to talk to me about the surgery I just had.

I looked up as I saw my doctor, she sighed at me as I blushed, “What did I tell you about Running Coraline.” I sighed, “Sorry I was going to be late and I didn’t want to be left behind.” Dad shook his head, “we wouldn’t have left Cora.” I shrugged, “I didn’t know.” I said as he chuckled, “true enough.” “well your surgery was successful but you will be in bed rest for a while, and you will not get up unless you need to go to the bathroom.” “Yes Ma’am I know the drill.” She laughed, “Good, alright in a couple days you can be let out.” I nodded as dad sighed, “Tomorrow we have to go back on tour so I hope you don’t mind a friend of mine coming in time to time to keep you company?” I shrugged, “As long as he isn’t perverted, creepy or will turn into a stalker.” Dad laughed, “He won’t I’m sure you will fan girl when you see him.” I nodded, “okay but spend the night with me tonight?” dad nodded as Alan and them came in as he sat orange juice in front of me. “Awe no coffee?” “your doctor threw it away and handed me the orange juice.” I sighed as I pouted. “hospital food.” I said grossly as the nurse came in with it, “I hate it too honey.” She said as I nodded, I poked it a couple times, “what is this supposed to be?” I asked as she laughed, “Meatloaf I think.” She said as I shook my head, “No way in hell this could be meatloaf.” She laughed, “Sorry honey but it is.” I just shook my head. I ate some of it as dad kissed my head, we spent the rest of the day talking.

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