Chapter 11

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This week my dad was coming home for a break and Shayley was leaving I didn’t want him to go. I looked at Shayley who actually got to sleep, I couldn’t fall asleep I sighed as Shayley wrapped his arm around my waist and brought me closer to him. “baby sleep.” He said as I groaned, “I can’t.” he looked at me,  “Why?” “Cause I’m going to miss you.” He kissed me, “I’m going to miss you too.” He said as I snuggled into him. “When’s your dad going to be here?” “well he won’t be here but I have to pick him and the guys up at 10 this morning.” “get some sleep.” He said as I nodded, “We’ll take both cars so they don’t have to cram into one.” I giggled, “Like you guys had to do yesterday.” He groaned, “it wasn’t funny, you didn’t let any of us sit in front.” I giggled, “I wanted to see how well you guys would like to know each other up close.” I said as he shook his head at me. “let’s get some sleep.” He said as I sighed. “I’ll try.” I mumbled as I snuggled into him.

When I woke in the morning I groaned I looked at the time it was 7am I woke Shay who looked at me kissed me before I got up, I took a shower changing into jean shorts and one of Shayley’s tank tops and smiled at Shay who shook his head smiling at me, he helped me put on the necklace he gave me as he kissed me as he got into the shower. I went downstairs made French Toast and eggs, when Shayley came down he got the plates out as we ate my phone went off, “Hello?” “Hey I didn’t know if you were awake or not.” “I am well we are dad.” He laughed, “You guys taking two cars down here?” “yeah you guys won’t be able to fit in my two door car.” He chuckled, “Alright I better go before the Flight attendant takes my phone.” I laughed, “have fun.” I said hanging up. I shook my head after I hung up, “Are we getting there early?” “it takes two n’ a half hours to get to the airport since they had to pick the farthest airport from L.A.” Shayley shook his head as I jumped on his back as he laughed.

“I have to get my stuff babe.” I sighed as I hopped off,  “Okay, let me help.” He nodded as we went into his room and grabbed his bags, “When do you leave?” “Tonight.” I nodded as he hugged me, “I promise to call every day or Skype.” I nodded as he kissed me, “I love you remember that always.” I nodded as again and smiled, “I love you too.” He smiled as we got his stuff into his car. “Do you want me to drop you off?” He nodded as he held my hand and kissed me. “Your amazing and I couldn’t ask for any other girl.” I blushed as I looked at him, “Promise?” “I promise.” He said making me giggle, “We better get going.” I said as he groaned, “fine.” he said as he pouted, “Awe I’ll see you in 2 n a half hours.” He chuckled, “Kay let’s go.” He said as he gave me a kiss before I got into my car.

~Skipping super long drive~

When we got to the airport I parked and sat on the trunk of my car as I saw Shayley park next to me as he got out he sat next to me as he held my hand, A couple minutes later we saw dad and the guys come out. “hi guys~” I said as they all looked at me, “I see your flight came in early.” They all nodded or said, ‘yeah’ I hopped off my trunk as Shay just sat there, “come on!” I giggled as he shook his head, “Shay pleeease I’ll love you forever~” he smiled as he hopped off the trunk, I opened it, Phil, Alan and dad put their stuff in my car, as Tino and Aaron went with Shayley. “Be nice to my boyfriend or I will chop your dick off!” I sad as they all just looked at me as I smiled innocently, Shayley laughed as I just smiled and put my seat forward letting Phil and Alan get into the back. “SO you and Shay huh?” Alan asked, “So I’m happy and so is he.” They all smiled at me as I pulled out and started driving home.

Phil and Alan started to sing a random song as I drove as dad looked at me, “He didn’t hurt you did he?” “Dad chill out he’s been perfect.” I said as he nodded, “And why the hell did you guys pick the airport farthest from LA?” “Tino did it on accident.” Phil said as I nodded, “Next time have Alan do it he is smart…I think.” I said as he hit me making me laugh, “I’m guessing you guys are hungry?” “how did you know?” “You guys are always hungry.” I said, “We are only here for a week than we have to get going again.” I nodded, “what am I going to do?” I asked, “Shayley and I will talk about it.” He said as I just nodded as I pulled into a gas station/Taco Bell. They guys cheered as I let them out they ran inside as I leaned against my car as Shayley came up to me and hugged me, “I missed you.” I said making him chuckle, “I missed you too.” I giggled as he just shook his head. “Alright well let’s fill up with gas.” I nodded as I filled up the car to see the guys come back with tons of food.

“If any of you spill in my car I will have you head and you will clean my car top to bottom with a tooth brush.” They all nodded as I went inside to pay for the gas I got a monster and Shayley got a Monster also. We went out to our cars as I got in Shayley smiled at me as I left. “So how is tour guys?” I asked as they looked at me with food shoved in their mouth. “Uhm never mind.” I said as they continued eating. When we got to a stop light I took my medication quickly as I took a sip of my Monster as the light turned green.

~skipping the ride home~

Once we got home Shayley and I helped the guys bring their stuff into the house, Dad did his laundry except his underwear he just got a new package. I swear that man. I shook my head at dad as I sat on the floor leaning against Shayley’s legs and I smiled and waved at Aaron. “Hows life?” I asked as he laughed, “Good, did you see the interview we did your dad and Alan wouldn’t let me speak.” I hit Alan who glared at me as I glared back, “That was for not letting Aaron get a word in.” he laughed shaking his head at me. “okay I promise next time we will let him talk.” I nodded, “better.” I said as dad walked in, “and you hitting on  your interviewer.” I saw him look away a little as I laughed.

“If you want to date do it I’m not going to stop you.” He smiled as he kissed my head as he smiled at Shayley, “Alright Shayley and I are going to go talk about tour.” I nodded and moved out of the way so he could follow dad, “do you think that your dad is going to fight with him?” “I hope not.” I said as I sat on the couch next to Aaron and Alan. “What you guys going to do for your week off?” “Spend time with Maddie probably going to see family.” “family.” Aaron said as they all answered.

~later that night~

“Alright I have to drop Shay off at his bus I’ll see you guys soon.” I said as they all nodded we stopped at the house first got all of my stuff cleaned out and into my car as I we got to the bus I got out helped Shayley get his stuff onto the bus as he came back outside as he looked at me as he hugged me, I hugged him back as I saw Raul and Jordan looked at us as I pulled away as he cupped my cheeks as he kissed me, when I kissed back we heard, “Shayley let’s go before we’re late!!” He pulled back from the kiss. “I’ll see you in three weeks.” I nodded as he kissed me again before he left. Once he got onto the bus as I sighed, I miss him…

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