Chapter 15

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Scarlet and Addie went home because Addie got over whelmed and she told me so she had her friend pick her up and her friend just screamed at me for no reason. Scarlet had to leave because her brother mom and dad needed help with her brothers and sisters, dad left today which sucks he HAD to leave early so they can sort some stuff out with their manager who was still on the bus. I sighed it’s about 6pm and I had to go home alone, I hugged Oli goodbye as Balz caught up to me. I looked at him a little confused, “I hope you don’t mind me tagging alone.” I shook my head, “beats going home to an empty house.” I told him as he smiled at him as I bit my lip, “do getting gauges hurt?” He shook his head, “why?” “Cause I always wanted to get them I was just really freaked out about them hurting.” Balz chuckled, “if they do I’ll be next to you?” I nodded as I drove as Balz gave me directions when we got there it was the tattoo parlor. “I got mine done here.” He said as I nodded, “Okay.” Come on.” I nodded again as we walked in, “Hey Josh.” They guy said as the guy looked at me, “She with you?” Balz laughed, “Yeah she wanted to get gauges in her ears” “and a tattoo.” I said as they both looked at me as I smiled.

I got my gauges done they were small but I will go up a size, I got done the Mayor from Nightmare Before Christmas , and the lyrics ‘They'll see a sad, sad story of angels and glory And here lies before me a hopeless ghost I want you to know as I leave this note That I'll miss you the most And I love you and hate you’ (Hello Darkness by New Years Day) and I paid as we left Joshua looked at me, “Do you care if I crash at your house for tonight?” I shook my head, “I guess we go to your place now.” He nodded, “Let me drive.” I nodded as I handed him my keys as we got in we went to his apartment we walked in as I smiled, “Cute Josh.” He shook his head as he walked into his bedroom I walked over to his Keyboard and played a few keys as I remembering when I used to really want to play the Keyboard. I felt a hand on my shoulder as I looked up to see Josh. “ready?” I nodded as my phone beeped.

Joshua Balz (@balzmiw): going to hang out with @ChasingMyHopesAndDreams tonight

I shook my head

Cora Carlile (@ChasingMyHopesAndDreams): Going to have a girls night with @balzmiw  hehe just kidding but he is being amazing and hanging out with me tonight so I’m not along in the house all night :3

Josh handed me the keys as he checked his phone as he looked at me, “Thanks Cora!” he said as I laughed, “You know I didn’t mean it unless you really wanted to have a girls night.” “I’m sure you would love that.” I laughed, “Please you put on make-up all the time.” He chuckled as I drove to the house, “Josh thanks for this.” He smiled at me as i parked the car as my dad called me, “Hey dad.” “Hey hun just callint to make sure your okay.” “perfect dad.” He chuckled, “call you either tonight or tomorrow.” He said as I told him I loved him and hung up. “making sure I didn’t do anything?” I nodded as he chuckled. I unlocked the door as we went inside. I showed him the guest room as he smiled at me, “Thanks for letting me come over.” he smiled as I smiled back, “It’s fine I promise.” I said as the doorbell rang as we looked at one another confused as I went to the door to see Scarlet and her brother. “Uhm hi?” I said as she smiled hugely can we  spend the night?” I sighed and got out of the way so they can come in as Addie and her friend that tried beating me up as I stood in the door way. “If she trys anything with my friend or with me I will kick her out immediately.” I told Addie as she nodded and her friend glared at me, “Don’t think I won’t.” I said as she got wide eyed as she came inside. Balz came over by me, “Did you invite them?” I shook my head, “My dad probably sent them.” I muttered as I texted my dad expressing my unhappiness with him.

We all watched movies and ate as they took over the guest room Balz was using, “I’m sorry.” I sighed he chuckled, “It’s fine I guess I’ll take the couch.” I sighed, “Take my bed, I like the couch better anyway.” I said as he looked at me, “Don’t you argue with me  Josh.” He chuckled as I smiled, “Alright fine.” He said as he hugged me and went to my room. I sighed as I laid on the couch as I couldn’t sleep. It was about 2am as I was still up, “son of a” I mumbled as I got up as I wrapped the blanket around me as I went to the guest room to see that they were still up as I listened to their conversation. “Don’t you think he dad is going a little too far?” Addie said as her friend laughed, “No.” I rolled my eyes as Skyler said, “he’s just trying to protect her I mean I’m sure Balz is just a friend.” I nodded as I looked up to see Balz. I put my figure up to my mouth as he chuckled. “Guys just lay off alright he dad is just trying to protect her now leave it alone.”

Balz helped me up as he shook his head, we walked to the living room again, “I thought you were asleep” “I was, I was just getting up to tell them to shut up.” I giggled as I nodded, “Do it I’ll stay right here.” I said as he laughed “Guys shut up!” Addie’s friend said as I got up, “I’m so sick of her shit.” I said as I went into the room, “Leave.” I said as she looked at me as did Addie, “not you Addie but your friend has been making me really pissed off, and that attitude will not be tolerated in this house.” Her friend laughed, “I’m not going.” I looked at Balz who got up as he came up behind me, “I thought she asked you to do something.” Addie sighed, “I’ll get her to behave.” I shook my head, “You’ve said that twice Addie I either need her to shape up by the morning or she can’t be here anymore.” I said as they nodded, “Let’s all go to bed.” I said as I shut the light off as I heard Scarlet say, “Way to go Sarah!” “it’s not my fault she’s a bitch.” I started crying as I went to the kitchen as Balz hugged me and I just hugged him.


When she fell asleep I put her in her bed as Scarlet came in, “what happen?” “Between Addie’s friend Sarah and Her break up she cried herself to sleep.” I mumbled as Scarlet sighed, “I’ll tell Addie.” I nodded as she left she closed the door behind her as I went to leave I felt a hand on mine. “What’s wrong?” I asked, “will you stay with me I don’t want tonight.” She mumbled as I nodded she moved over as I laid on the bed with her, and fell asleep next to her.


When I woke up I saw Balz sleeping I got up quietly as I got some clothes and took a shower, I changed into my Attila ‘We Bring The Mother Fucking Heat’ shirt, my blue jean skinnies, I got my make up on and I grabbed my MIW dog tags as I went out I grabbed my Ashley Purdy rosary as I wrapped it around my hand as I walked out of the bathroom as Balz was getting up, “Morning.” I said as he smiled at me, “Morning.”  He replyed back, “Can I use your shower?” I nodded, “Go ahead, if you need my hair dryer it’s out already.” He just smiled at me as he went into my bathroom as I got my white heels on as I went out to the kitchen and saw everyone eating I smiled at them as I waited for Balz to get out of the shower.

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