AMA Guidelines

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Welcome to FWFC's Ask Me Anything!

But first, let us qualify "anything." XD By "anything," we mean any question that is NOT intrusive, too personal, disrespectful or rude.

What to ask: favorites, hobbies, interests, opinion, personal preferences, rhetorical questions

Examples: Who is your favorite author? What three things can't you live without? What song is the soundtrack of your life? Did you like the last movie you watched?

The Featured Writer of the Week is not required to answer all questions. If the number of submitted questions exceeds 20, the Writer may choose the 20 questions he/she wants to answer.

How to ask:

- Go to the FWFC account's CONVERSATION page.

- Locate the post/s with the heading AMA followed by the Writer's username. (Ex. "AMA: yhin2x")

- Type in your questions in the COMMENTS SECTION of the POST. You may submit as many questions as you like.

That's it! Wait until the end of the week to know the Writer's answers to your questions. :) They will be posted in this book.

Happy Asking and Answering! :)

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