Bucky: Stubborn

588 38 11

Bucky x Reader
Warnings: None


You slammed your hand down on the alarm clock and pulled a blanket over your head. You felt Bucky roll over beside you and drape an arm around your waist. You rested your hand on his cheek and instantly moved it to his forehead. He was burning up.

"Buck." You said, shaking him slightly.

"Hmm." He replied sleepily.

"I think your sick, Bucky." You told him, getting up to find a thermometer.

" 'm fine, doll." He said unconvincingly.

He sneezed several times soon after and grimaced. You rolled your eyes and left the room. You returned minutes later with a thermometer.

"Put this in your mouth." You commanded, shoving it in his mouth.

"Really, Y/N, I'm fine." He said, frowning at your concern.

You didn't respond, but waited for his temperature instead. It took a minute but it finally beeped. 102.

"Bucky you're sick." You said, pushing him to lay back down.

"I'm fine. Now let me up. We have to go train." He said, pushing you away.

"You're not tra-" You started.

"Yes, I am."

You sighed. If he wanted to make it worse then so be it. At least he didn't have a mission today.


Steve stood in the middle of the gym when you got there. Bucky was a bit slow but still brushed it off. You didn't think he should be out today period, but what did you know?

"Just to warn you, he has a 102 degree fever and hasn't stopped shivering since he got up this morning." You warned Steve.

"Let me guess. He won't admit it." Steve said, rolling his eyes.

"Nope. I take it this is how he always is when he's sick." You guessed, cocking an eyebrow.

"Always." Steve said, sighing.

"Just take it easy on him." You said, taping your hands.

"I'll do my best." He nodded.


You started your workout at the punching bag and stayed there for a good while so you could watch Bucky and Steve sparring. It was pretty pathetic. Bucky would throw weak punches that Steve easily dodged.

"Buck, would you please just go ahead and give?" Steve would ask every few minutes, tired of the nonsense.

"I'm fine, Steve. Get off my back." Bucky would always reply unconvincingly, usually sneezing afterwards.

After what felt like and eternity but was really an hour, Steve finally pinned Bucky to the ground in a chokehold.

"Alright, you've trained. Now will you please come home?" You asked as both boys got back on their feet.

"Fine." Bucky huffed.

You celebrated silently in your head and took Bucky's hand, dragging him upstairs.


Bucky collapsed on the bed when you got back.

"I don't feel good, doll." He said, looking up at you.

"You don't say?" You said sarcastically.

"I tried to tell you, but no, you just have to be stubborn. You know you don't always have to be strong, right?" You asked, sitting beside him.

"I know, I know. You sound just like Steve." He said, scooting closer to you.

Bucky moved his head onto your lap and closed his eyes. You ran a hand through his hair.

"Do you need anything?" You asked.

"Maybe some blankets." He said, shivering slightly.

You got up slowly and came back with a bunch of blankets and a mug of warm tea. You piled the blankets on top of him and set the mug on the nightstand.

"Can I do anything else?" You asked, crawling under a blanket.

"Cuddles?" He asked adorably, holding out his arms.

You laughed and nodded. You grabbed the TV remote and moved closer to Bucky.

You clicked the TV on and decided on Friends. Bucky hadn't seen it yet and you figured he should catch up on some things while he was down. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest. His skin was still hot and he was still shivering.

"You're warm." Bucky mumbled before sneezing several times.

You chuckled and grabbed a box of tissues from the floor.

"Thanks, doll." He said stuffily.

"Isn't this better than training?" You asked, carding your fingers through his hair.

"Yeah." He sighed defeatedly.

"I'm sorry you're sick." You said.

"At least I have a hot nurse to take care of me." He smirked.

A/N: Alright, here it is guys. This is what you voted for. Thanks to everyone who voted and is reading. Hope you liked it!

Captain America & The Winter Soldier ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora