Bucky: What Do You Want?

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Bucky x Reader
What Do You Want?
Warnings: moments of extreme dorkiness
Word Count: 732

Sundays. You loved them. The Tower was near silent and everyone got to relax. You were curled on the couch with a book. Steve sat in a nearby armchair with the newspaper. He really did act like his inner old man sometimes.

You'd almost nodded off when you heard music blaring from the floor above. You jumped slightly and looked at Steve. He glanced upwards and cocked an eyebrow.

"What the-?" You began but were cut off by voices.

Steve got up and made his way to the elevator with you following close behind.


The hallway was deserted when you got off the elevator. Steve trailed behind you. You stopped at the last door and opened it. The sight before you was something else.

A radio blared in the corner. Sam stood on a table with his back to you, a hairbrush in his hand. You heard the all to familiar beat and didn't know if you should laugh or scream.

"I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want." Sam sang along with the music.

Suddenly Bucky appeared from the bathroom, also holding a hairbrush.

"So tell me what you want, what you really really want." Bucky sang, terribly off pitch.

"Oh my God." You said, turning to Steve with wide eyes.

His mouth was hanging open. You looked over to the speaker and decided to pull the plug, thinking you'd die laughing if it didn't end.

You pulled the plug and the boys froze as the music stopped. They jumped and you tried not to laugh. The horror on their face was evident.

"Um, Y/N... I..." Bucky stuttered.

"We were, uh, you know..." Sam tried to explain.

You were doubled over laughing and Steve was nearly rolling on the floor.

"Oh God- I wish I had that on video." Steve laughed.

You stopped, realization hitting you.

"We might actually. JARVIS, do you have footage of this room in the past ten minutes?" You asked, praying he did.

"Yes ma'am. Would you like for me to play it?" JARVIS asked.

"Yes!" You replied immediately.

A holographic screen popped up and played the footage. You started laughing again.

"JARVIS send that to my phone." You requested.

A few seconds later, your phone buzzed.

"I think I'll have some fun with this." You said, exiting the room.

"Y/N wait!" Bucky called out.

"You can't send that to anyone!" Sam pleaded.

"Who said I was sending it anywhere?" You said innocently.

They both let out a breath, relieved.

"I'm only going to post it everywhere possible." You said, taking off running.

Their eyes widened and they quickly chased after you, pleading for you to delete it.


5 hours later Bucky and Sam became a viral hit. The video was everywhere. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Vine, Tumblr. You name it, it's there.

"So, what do you really really want?" Tony asked, walking into the common room where the Avengers were gathered.

Sam groaned and Bucky buried his head in his hands. The team sniggered.

"I'm going to bed." Bucky mumbled, his cheeks going red.

"Me too." Sam said, walking out. You followed Bucky, still laughing.

You entered your's and Bucky's room, going straight to the bedroom. Bucky lay on his stomach with his head buried in his pillow. You sat down next to him and rubbed his back. He looked up at you and groaned, putting his face back in the pillow.

"Stop pouting." You said, poking his side.

"I'm not pouting." He said, his voice muffled.

"Then stop acting like it." You remarked.

He rolled over and sat up, glaring at you. You chuckled.

"It's just freaking hilarious." He grumbled.

"It's not like you haven't walked in on me singing." You told your boyfriend.

"Yeah but I didn't show the whole world." He said, crossing his arms.

"It was only because I love you." You joked, wrapping your arm around his waist.

"Whatever." He mumbled, kissing your forehead.

"I have just one question though." You said, trying to hide your smirk.

"Don't say it." He said threateningly.

"What do you really really want?" You asked, laughing.

He frowned and pulled away from you.

"It'll die down by tomorrow so stop pouting." You commanded, snuggling into him and thinking of what a false statement that was.


The video did not go away over night. Or the next week. Or the next month. Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson may have been superheroes, but they'd always be best known for remaking the Spice Girls.

Captain America & The Winter Soldier ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora