Chapter 1: The invite

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Friday morning..... As I woke up due to the loudest thunder I ever heard. The news said it was going to clear up and be sunny but today was feel weird. I guess that was just the butterflies in my stomach.....

So excited I thought out loud. Why I am I excited you ask, well I am having my birthday party today after school. It's not really a party, it's the weekend at a place were people camp. It's more like fake camping, you u have golf carts to ride, campfire to in joy with your friends and family, trailers to sleep in and activities for all ages. It's more like a little town, this a town is called holiday camp lands

On the way to school i was looking out my window with rain drops running down and I go pass this graveyard everyday and I never see any one there but as I said today is acting weird. I saw people dressed  in black holding black roses, So creepy.

When I get dropped off for school my dad usually says have a good day and I love you but this time he didn't. As I run in to school because of the rain I see my  friend Serena. "Hey Serena are u still coming camping this weekend with us," I asked.
"Yay of course I am coming why would you ask".
"I don't know things are acting weird to today." I quietly said. That is my day everyday

As we walk in to the building we have to go to the cafeteria and what for the bell to ring. So I sat down with all my friends and asked if that are coming camping and they all said yes but one off my friend Hannah said she can't. "Hey Erin I can't go I have a Reunion to go to", she sigh.

I have a friend who can't stand her, her name is auzanee I call her Auz for short.

"YESSSSS !!! She is not coming", she shouted
"Sooo rude", as Hannah left.

As me and my best friend Michelle the gum Dealer, walk up stairs to our lockers right next to each other. I was telling her that today is acting weird. I to told her that I saw people at a graveyard and my dad didn't even say goodbye or anything. "Well that weird", she look surprised. "Hey Erin" as Alexa walked up behind us. "Do we need to bring a tent or sleeping bags." She questioned. No we are not going to be sleeping in tents, "we sleep in a trailer." Ok cool," she walked to her locker.

Me, Michelle and Auz have our lockers by each other. "So Michelle you are coming home with me right," as I grab my social studies binder. "Ya".  "Ok cool, you have gum". She gave me mint which I don't care for. "Thanks".

As we go done with our three classes it was lunch time.
Auz, Michelle, Alexa and Serena sit at my table so we were talking about camping and laughing at Michelle staring off in to space like she is high... Lol😆

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