chapter six.

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  *** Your needs are not what you need . God is all you need to meet your needs***

             Jason POV.

I hate the fact that am to study with the new girl, with all the girls in the class I got Martty to be partners with.

I set off to her house even though am sure is not yet the time we agreed on.
Bham-bham-bham... am coming I heard a voice saying.

"I think someone is in early" she said that as soon as she opened the door. "Ohh you can come in" she added.

I 'll be going to some party around 7:00pm so that made me come early.  I tried explaining my self even though nobody asked me to.

            I thought learning with you would be boring Miss good girl.
"Huh! Really so you trying to mean you enjoyed today's studies"she smirked.  Yhyh I did.

"How did you get to know my house?" Martty questioned me.
Nah am not going to tell you that.
"Seriously you are not" yh.

Sorry I have to leave now, am running late I said. I said that even though I wish I could spead alot of time with her.

"See you same time tomorrow" she walked me out.

Sleep was resting on my shoulders but am not going to sleep sake of the party.
I kept nodding off so I took my fone to call Martty.

                    Martty's POV

Am still on my bed watching my favorite tv show when my fone beeped and my head snapped up so I took my fone that's a new number I wonder who is calling.

I picked the call. "Good evening" his voice boomed into the fone and cut me right into my brain. No one has to tell me is Jason Anderson.

Good evening I responded. "Am about going to the party and thought I should call you"
"Oh really,  why did you call then"

"To asked if you will be free tomorrow" oh yes sure I'll be, the whole day so you can come and we continue our project.
"Nah, am not talking about the project"  Really, what then?

"Can we go out and let's say ermm have a coffee?" What!  Jason Anderson is asking me out on a date.

I nodded even though he can't see me nodding and just said yes.
He hissed a word that I didn't hear it and said "talk to you later".

I can't keep this news to myself else I'll explode. I got to tell Vaisy.  Bah I think Jason knows alot about me; how did he get my number.

The ring tone of my fone brought me out from my thought. Just who I wanted to talk to now. VAISY is calling.

"Hi Martty,  can we go for shopping tomorrow since is a weekend"
     Ohh am sorry bah you have to go alone or with that guy you told me about. "But why? Are you kinda busy tomorrow".
You won't believe what am about to tell you I said positioning my self on bed well. "Tell me coz I hate suspense"  okay okay I'll tell you but promise not to freak out. "I promise" she said.

Jason Anderson just asked me out, vaisy.
"Ohh no, you got to be kidding me right and what was your reply? "

Mmm I said yes. "Wow am happy for you but be careful around him okay"

I nodded.  We wished each other good night and I slept off.

Thanks everyone who has voted so far. I love you all..

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