Teasing 💜(Thomas)

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The camera man motioned and the interviewer launched into it."Welcome! Today we're here to say hello! Joining us, we have the cast of the new Maze Runner movie, The Scorch Trials!" she greeted. I was behind the camera, without Thomas knowing.

I was here to surprise my boyfriend, and all his friends were in on it. I hadn't seen him in over three months and we both had been a little sulky. We were always together, as I traveled with them, but family drama was ever so demanding. Now I was here and everyone was excited to see Thomas' reaction.

"Kaya Scaldelario as Teresa!" Kaya walked in and sat down in the first seat. "Will Poulter as Gally!" The audience erupted more every time someone was announced, as it died for a second in the pause between people. "Dylan O'Brien as Thomas, Wes Ball, the director, and Thomas Brodie-Sangster as Newt!"

A girl screamed when Thomas came out and an unsettling jealousy roiled in my stomach for a second before I remembered that there was no competition. Not that I was better than any of them, but I knew that he loved me and wouldn't ever do anything to make me think otherwise.

"So," the lady said once everyone was settled. "We have many questions for all of you."

Will leaned forward. "I bet! I'm such a sexy mystery," he wiggled his eyebrows, joking. Everyone laughed lightly. "Nah, just kidding. We all know know I'm only moderately good looking."

The interviewer's eyes widened. "I beg to differ!" she scoffed. "Girls all over are falling as hard for Gally and his looks as they are Newt or Thomas!"

Slightly surprised, Will leaned back. "Really?" He played it off, smirking, but Dylan shoved him and Kaya and Thomas both laughed.

Passing over Will's moment of insecurity, the interviewer continued. "Oh yes. I'm sure you could get plenty of girls." More laughter from everyone and the mood was light again. "Speaking of, who here has a girl waiting at home?" She asked, smirking knowingly. The crowed oohed. Everyone looked at each other and Thomas, Will, and Dylan raised their hands. The lady laughed. "Well, everyone knows about Brit," she joked. Dylan blushed. "But Thomas! After Isabelle, we thought you were done for a while."

Once his ex girlfriend was mentioned, I tensed, but Thomas handled it with grace. "Well, after that whole thing went down, I thought I was too. But it's been a while - two, three months? - and we've both moved on. She's met Y/n and likes her." He shrugged. "I'm happy, so..."

Everyone awed. He laughed, rubbing the back of his neck, his other hand resting in his crossed legs. He was blushing. "So. Will?" The woman moved on after a second's pause. "Your girl?"

Once Will started, he went off, describing her and making jokes about funny things that had happened between her and the cast. I was glad that it wasn't me. Will's girlfriend was cool about it, I knew that. But I'd die. "I love her a lot, but it's nothing compared to the love between Thomas and Y/n," Will says.

My head snaps up. "Yeah!" Kaya adds in. "They are serious goals!" The crowd cheers and she laughs a little. "But seriously. Thomas is totally in love with her. He talks about her like she's an angel."

Will and Kaya nudged each other as they spoke, working together to get Thomas to blush more and more. "Just the other day he was talking about how he misses her! He was like a little puppy it was adorable!" Will said.

Thomas was blushing almost as red as I was. "And on Facebook they always post super cute couple things and tag each other..." Dylan added.

"Yeah!" Kaya giggled. "There was one time there was a picture of the cast on Instagram that I'd posted and Y/n commented on it, flirting with Thomas. The cast is in love with them!"

Leaning forward again, Will's hands hovered to enunciate his words. "And don't even start on the fans' reactions!"

Dylan was enjoying this far too much. Thomas was hiding his face, too embarrassed to speak since it was all true. "Oh! There was this one girl that got all sour on Twitter about Thomas and Y/N's relationship and the fans went NUTS. They supported them all the way and Thomas and Y/n were so surprised! It was crazy," Kaya added again.

The crowed cooed and Dylan patted Thomas' back, still laughing so that it seemed more teasing than reassuring. "Literally Prince Charming and Princess Perfect," Will agreed.

Suddenly, Dylan's eyes went wide "In fact...!" Dylan said, motioning to Kaya at me.

Kaya mimicked his football field width eyes and matching grin. "Yeah! We have a surprise for you Thomas! It reminded us of you because you miss Y/n so much..." She went behind the camera. "Close your eyes Thomas," she ordered. Will nudged him and Thomas rolled his eyes then closed them, covering his eyes too with his hands. "Come on. Please?" Kaya asked me when I shook my head. "No one will care you're blushing." She winked at me and dragged me on stage after I finally conceded.

"Hold out your hands," Dylan hollered over the screaming of the crowd when I walked out.

I looked at Wes - he was beaming. I felt betrayed as he'd sat silent the whole time, covering his face while he laughed. His grin now made me warm and I blushed more. Kaya sat me on Thomas' lap and his forehead crinkled in the surprising weight. He probably thought it was a watch or a locket or some crap. Not a person. Not me. "Open!" Kaya yelled.

Sighing, Thomas opened his eyes. When he saw me, his eyes went wide, and a huge grin crossed his face. I slipped in the spot next to him and he pulled me in for a kiss. I pulled away, my face on fire, as the crowd screamed even louder.


He wrapped his arms around me and I was mortified and so red it felt like my skin was made of lava. "Thomas. Stop," I whispered as he cuddled me into him.

"You love it," he whispered back.

I hid my face in my hands and avoided anyone's questions. Finally the lady asked me one though and Thomas nudged me out of my shell. "How did you meet Thomas?" She asked.

Oh. This was easy. Thomas rubbed patterns on my back and I relaxed. I felt too good in his arms to care about staying in edge and angry. "Well, funny story, actually. I met Thomas when he was dating Isabelle. She was a high school friend of mine and I ran into them while they were leaving set. I was ready for a play I was about to be in."

Echoes and whispers rolled through the audience and the interviewer's face reflected the mood of interest that lay in the room. "Where was this?" She asked.

Recalling, I paused for a second to think before I continued. "Well, I was on Broadway that night but I was messing around for a while before I left. I had to be ready as soon as I got in though so..." I shrugged.

The quiet was broken by Kaya's squeaks. "Aw! Look at them! They're so cute!" She cooed.

"Kaya?" Thomas asked.

"Hm?" She hummed back.

"Shut up," I finished for him.

The crowd busted up laughing.

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