Goofball (Jojen x male!reader)

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A/n: I think Bran was supposed to be... 11 in season 1? And like 14 in season 4??? So he is around Jojen's age (14 in the books, 16 or so in the movies?? I think?) so don't give me shit thanks. 

Warnings: Homophobia, violence, anxiety, angst, sexual content (why do I always do this)

Warnings: Homophobia, violence, anxiety, angst, sexual content (why do I always do this)

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It was supposed to be a serious journey... but Y/n, Bran's twin brother, was not acting as if it was. Instead, he was was cracking jokes and goofing off, making sure Bran was smiling no matter what it cost. One day he's spent reciting poetry or play scenes as loudly and over dramatically as he could, throwing Bran into a fit of giggles. Another time he danced wildly around the campfire, whooping and hollering and shirtless despite the cold. One time he raced Summer and his Direwolf, Wolf. The name was another joke. The wolf seemed to like it a lot though so no one dared call him differently. The race had ended with Y/n tripping and face planting, followed by him and Wolf wrestling before Summer had to step in when Y/n's head hit the ground a little too hard and was almost knocked out cold.

When Meera and Jojen joined, Y/n tried to be serious and composed like his parents had been training him to be all his life. That had put Bran and Wolf in terrible moods though, so only too soon he was back on his shenanigans and Osha got to laugh at Meera's horrified reaction when Y/n got on all fours, jumping around Summer and growling, kicking at the ground and shaking his head. It was bad enough to think he was insane, but Meera had been sure that Summer had killed Y/n when the wolf had jumped at him... which was even more shocking, as Bran was laughing of all things. She was stunned to silence when she realized that Summer had been careful enough not to hurt Y/n and that their wrestling was just goofing off.

Jojen enjoyed the chaos. He'd been serious nearly his whole life, as had everyone around him. It wasn't only refreshing to see the youthful goofing around, but made him feel his age as well. It got him out of his head and made him feel stronger and more aware of the light side of reality. Before Y/n every day had been made of doom and gloom down to the very atoms, never leaving any room for even a little bit of light. Hope. Happiness. Suddenly though, Y/n was lighting up the world without a single care to what was coming or the dangers that could kill him any second. He was dancing and laughing- mocking the heaviness of this world as he rip toed around and away from it. The same empty sadness Jojen had been haunted by seemed to elude Y/n so completely. He never stopped smiling and it never seemed forced or faked. He was ways finding something amusing or fun to do, playing odd games or being proud of how he never ran out of something to say or failed to find a response to someone.

Even the really hard nights like when they all hid in an abandoned house, in the dark, while they prayed that the people outside wouldn't find them because if they did they would kill them. Even when Jojen's heart was racing and it was thundering and Osha was having a hard time breathing and Meera was closing her eyes and Bran looked like he was about to cry, Y/n crouched and moved silently from person to person. He touched Rikon's cheek; Osha's shoulder; Hodor's leg; messes up Meera's hair; grabs Bran's upper arm to reassure him he's there, mouthing comforting words and settling next to his brother to reassure him further with his presence. In his spot he ended up next to Jojen, who stated above at the darkness of the roof of the building they were in. Jojen nearly screamed when he felt a hand in his- until he realized it was Y/n. Jojen was stunned to realize that his insides were warming up and his body was relaxing and when he looked at Y/n, the two boys exchanged worried smiles that seemed to take all the worry and stress right off of Jojen's chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2019 ⏰

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