Why? (Thomas) 💜

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"We've been together seven years now!" Dylan said, laughing. "I feel like I'm a douche! Everyones saying I should marry her but Brit and I are just 27! I mean... I don't know!" He groaned, his head falling back.

A few chuckles sounds, but a certain blonde had a very serious and understanding look on is face. "Isabelle and I were together a long time and we ended up breaking up," Thomas piped up. "You want to be sure about everything until you make big things like that. Wait until you're ready."

Dylan rubbed his eyes and Kaya nudged the dark haired boy. "Just talk to her. I'm sure she wants what you want. Just chill, Dyl."

Rosa laughed. "Sorry. You guys are too serious. Ugh. I'm single!" She stuck her tongue out and crossed her eyes. Everyone laughed.

Except Dylan, who just shrugged, searching for words. "We finally got all that shooting done with the Maze Rubber franchise - even that extra book - and it's all settling. Ki Hong is married. Am I just... Reluctant to give up my youth?" he asked.

Jumping in to put the tense man at ease, Thomas spoke again. "Just do what you're ready for," he advised. "Y/n and I have only been together for... Three years? Anyway, we talked about getting married and all that stuff. She's 27 and I'm 28 and we're getting older and we want to settle down and start getting ready for a future together. It doesn't mean we're doing anything soon. We're just talking about it. Make a plan with Brit and decide that when the time comes, it'll come," Thomas said, shrugging. "It's not a big deal. It's something you shouldn't rush or speed up. It should come when it comes. You should be sure and excited and it should be something that you get excited for. Not something you force and stress yourself out about." He nods and it gets quiet.

"Speaking of Y/n," Rosa says.

The blonde lives off of the sudden subject change and Dylan relaxes, thinking over what had been said. "Hm?" Thomas hums, his face lighting up at her name now that the seriousness was over.

Kaya groans, leaning back as Dylan had before. "I want something like that! To be totally in love like Thomas. And to be totally loved back..." she sighed and Rosa nods, agreeing.

The two girls look at each other, both sighing. "What is wrong with me? Like, what do girls like Y/n have that makes everyone fall for her?" Rosa asked. Not bitterly, but genuinely curious. Kaya and Rosa looked to Thomas. "Why DO you love Y/n?" Rosa asked.

He smiles and puts his hands to his head, leaning back and messing with his hair a bit. "Well...." Everyone leaned in, ready like kids at story time. He chuckled, his tongue on the side of his cheek, hand falling to the back of his neck. "She's..." He sighs, smiling really wide. "She's - She's Y/n! I don't know. I don't want to 'girl out,'" he reasoned jokingly, putting the words in air quotes. He was blushing.

"Do it," Kaya said sternly, leaving no room for him to argue, dodge, or avoid.

Biting his lip for a second, he paused before continuing. "Okay. Um. It's like... She's gorgeous. But that's not why I love her. No. " he rubbed his face. "I love her because... Simply put, she's beautiful."

Not what anyone was expecting. "You love her because of her looks?" Rosa asked, looking disappointed.

Frustration built up in the blonde Brit as he tried to find the perfect way to explain it. "No! There's a difference between gorgeous - which is looks - and beautiful. Beautiful is when her outside looks like her inside - both equally as appealing. She's pure and passionate and kind. She can see a problem and solve it with the most gentle hand. She's so generous and careful. When you first meet her, you think she's perfect. But when you find out the real her, the insecurities and the things that make her not perfect? They make her... Like, she's not perfect. That's why I love her." He sighed and started again, frustrated by the confused looks on their faces. "Here. Think about it like this. Most people strive to be perfect. They look at their insecurities and they hide them under fake covers. Masks. Lies, emotions. She takes her imperfections and wear them like a medal. She doesn't brag about them, but she doesn't deny anything when asked directly. She's smart and not nieve and will lie if she has to, but she never lies to me. She's humble but absolutely amazing at the same time.

"She can act and sing but doesn't brag about it. She doesn't hide it either! She loves herself and everyone else and she's this beam of bright happiness. She's contagious and totally beautiful and in love with me and passionate. I just..." He sighed, melting into his chair. It wasn't exactly what he wanted to say but he didn't notice the others' softly awed expressions. "The way I love her and the way she is isn't something you can put into words," Thomas whispers quietly, forcing everyone to lean in more. He's staring off into space now. "I fell in love with her for the immeasurable amount of teeny tiny little things she did every day. The way she smiled. The sound of her voice. Her laugh. The way she touched her hair when she was nervous or but her lip when she was thinking or leaned close to the paper when she was writing or editing or getting really into something, her intensity growing and therefore her need to be closer to the project she was working on increasing until her nose was almost against it. The way she fidgets when she's nervous or goes out of her way to make someone laugh or smile. The way that we'll be walking down a street and she'll randomly stop in the middle of our conversation to ask someone if they're okay. Even if she doesn't know them. Even if I myself didn't see it, she did. Like she has a radar. And once she sees someone in pain, she HAS to fix them. Help them. Ease their burden. I fell in love with her for so many little things she didn't know she was doing but I stayed in love with her simply because she's her. There's no way to really explain that..."

Quiet fell and Thomas blinked, remembering the other people in the room and looking around at his friends and blushing at their expressions. "Woah," Dylan made out after a while.

"I want that," Rosa said. "I want that."

"Cheers," Kaya agreed.

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