Comicon Part 2💜

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For Levviosa147  I wasn't going to do this way later but you always comment and I wanted some way to say thanks. So I wrote it ASAP. ❤️


When we got to the studio they were at, Thomas and I were acting like best friends. We'd told a lot about each other and cracked so many jokes. There were now inside jokes for miles. "And then he flew away when I got home," I finished.

Alight with humor and energy, Thomas laughed. "Wow!" he gushed, highly amused. We got out of the car and he took me in. I looked around, trying to take it all in. "Whadya think?" He asked.

The joking around slipped away as a quiet awe settled inside of me. "Woah," I whispered almost reverently.

He chuckled softly. "Come on. Everyone is with Wes. Let's go!"

We jogged to a big room which seemed to be a conference center of some sort. There was a long table taking up the room and a projector ready to show images on a blank white board. There were markers all along the lip at the bottom of the board and chairs tucked together to fit a bunch of people at the long table.

The one and only Wes Ball sat at the head of the table, the projector just to the side of him, and the rest of the cast sat scattered in chairs scattered in the mass at the long table. Wes leaned forward onto his elbows when we came in, looking me over. "Hello there," he greeting, intrigued at the new face.

Suddenly overy self aware, I blushed. "Uh. Hi."

Thomas stepped forward. "Wes, meet Y/n. Y/n, Wes Ball," he introduced.

The director nodded to me, his smile warm and soft and welcoming. "Nice to meet you Y/n."

His friendliness put me at ease and I calmed. "Like wise."

"Might I ask why you're here?" He asked.

Thomas jumped in. "I want you to see her act! She's amazing!" He explained excitedly.

Wes laughed. "Okay." He looked at the clock behind us. "I have a few minutes..."

Nodding first, Thomas continued his bright, wide, contagious smile as he looked over at me. "Ready?"

My eyes widened, nerves jumping around and butterflies erupting to life in my stomach. I gulped. "Here?" I asked, biting my lip.

He nodded. "Yeah." His head tilted, adding ha unspoken, where else?

"N-now?" I asked again, realizing I was stalling.

Thomas laughed, realizing same time I did of my attempts and shaking his head, not anywhere near about to let me wimp out now. "Go," he instructed kindly. Thomas saw my discomfort and realized the situation he'd put me in. I was star struck and flustered and nervous. This wasn't something I'd ever done before. I'd tried out, but never for a real, main stream director. Thomas shot a look at Wes before he jumped in and started, reciting something from Hamlet. I caught on, having memorized a lot of scenes in Shakespeare stories.

We went back and forth, and eventually, I forgot about anyone else. I fell into my role and the words and Thomas, forgetting that Kaya, Dylan, and everyone was who had walked in at some point during the performance was watching along with their very important, influential director.

The bit ended and Thomas bowed, finishing the scene. He motioned to me and I curtsied. He looked up at me, a smile on his face, then looked at Wes. The fantasy broke and I froze, blushing again as I stiffly turned to Wes. "That was really good! I could tell you were nervous at first but you jumped right in and went along. I dare say you're almost as good as Thomas there with diction and delivery. You could use a little work with becoming your character perfectly, but you're still amazing. I'm genuinely impressed," Wes assessed, clapping a little.

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