~The Educated Intellectual~

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You are the Educated Intellectual! You are possibly one of the smartest people around and you love testing your mind to mental challenges. You are built mostly for using your wits instead of your strength which has the effect of being a disadvantage on your part. You have a personality that is respectful, intelligent, thoughtful, reflective, witty, wise, and mysterious. Yet you have the tendency to be reclusive, worrisome, quiet, nervous around large crowds, and you refrain from speaking most of the time. You are best suited for those that are ableto lead you out of your shell and admire your intellectual mind.

Possible Boyfriends: England, Sweden, Estonia, Japan, and China

Possible Girlfriends: Liechtenstein and Hungary

 Closest Friends: Germany and Switzerland

Enemies: America, Denmark, Romano, and Prussia

Positive Traits: Intelligent, wise, respectful, thoughtful, reflective, witty, and mysterious

 Negative Traits: Reclusive, worrisome, quiet, easily nerved, and stressed

 Axis Powers

 Italy: Lalaina’s so quiet, ve! Whenever she comes over to talk to Germany, they’re always talking with such big words that I can’t understand a single word that they’re saying! Lalaina is a lot like Japan in so many ways than one it’s almost like they are long lost siblings, ve~ She can be very smartical when she speaks and she know so much about different countries.

Germany: Lalaina is probably one of my closest friends other than Italy. She knows how to use her mind in order to set strategies and which area would be perfect for launching an attack. Overall, I admire her knowledge and she is a very reliable ally of mine.

 Japan: *immediately blushes* Raraena-san is a very respectable woman and I know that she has trouble with Western countries, but I am currently trying to lure her out of her shell. I practically love everything about her and sometimes I wish that I had her knowledge. I do know that England and China are after her, but I will be waiting for her when the time is right.

Allied Powers

 America: Oh her?! Yeah, I don’t really like Lalaina since she is so quiet and thinks that she knows everything that I don’t! Like I care that she has more brain power than I do, well, she’s possibly perfect for England since they’re both practically thinking the same thing most of the time!

 England: Oh, Lalaina is certainly a woman to be honored. She does have the tendency to be frightened around large groups and is afraid of what people will think about her, but I can teach Lalaina how to be less timid. I certainly feel that she is the woman for me and that I know deep in her heart that she feels the same way for me. *sighs dreamily*

 France: Ah, the sweet angel that refrains from speaking! Oui, Lalaina knows so much knowledge that it is almost unbearable but I feel a little bit of pity for her since she has trouble talking in front of crowds. But alas, she has currently taken the attention of England and Japan. This argument should be interesting.

 China: *smiles* Oh, I absolutely adore Lalaina, aru! She has definitely completed my world and she knows so much that it leaves my mouth agape. I can see how much trouble she has in talking in front of people and I admire her sweet and gentle personality, aru. I wish I could just tell her how much I cared about her without getting all nervous and besides, England can go blow himself up with his terrible cooking if it meant trying to take Lalaina away from me, aru~

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