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name: samuko [i'm made that up... idn id it even has a meaning......]

height: 5'4

weight: 85 pounds

birthday: february 7 2000

age 14

Pokemon: any ones that are cute

town: twinleaf town

friends: green,dawn, platinum,  a few others

bf: blue[i know i didn't know who else to give you.... i only had one idea and blue was the only one who would make the idea work.]

enemies: ash, iris, cilan. green, yellow, misty,red

personality: really pretty... you've gone out with like 100 boys... your a flirt who likes being tangled up with someone or tangled in a relationship..... kind of cocky but almost all the boys want you.

red: that girl.... she's really cocky but really pretty. i kind of liked her but then she dated all the boys aand i gave up on her.... but she treats blue well.... i wonder is blus has fallen in love? 

 blue[boy[... im useing the american version so yhea....] um.... samuko is cocky like me. but she's pretty. she treats me very well.....  not to mention she's a good kisser..... i want to be with her all the time..... why? what is this feeling?

green [girl] wow that girl is like my best friend she's got killer moves.

yellow:  a girl is not to be judged by how pretty her face is but by how pretty she is herself.

gold:i opened her bag once and i found like a years supply of makeup.

crystal: she is really pretty and is the best of frien. she also is  the best at giving advice

silver: pearl dated her once.... he told me she was like a pretty monster that cheated on him with dia... thats all i know about her i've never even seen her

platinum: we go shopping. she bought me the cutest outfit

diamond: so i kissed her pearl didn't need to make a big deal out of it and bribe silver to put the entire kiss on the national tv... he liked hacked television.

pearl: my ex.... she was making out with dia on our anniversary... i miss her... my first love betrayed me for my best friend. pearl; crys me: how dare you make pearl cry..... idc but i need to make sure he doesn't cry..... 

black: cute..... blush...... me: no not you!

white:samuko is the best bought me my shorts.


ash:  tried to kiss me after she broke up with pearl im lucky i moved befor she could idk whats her problem

misty: cocky

brock: pretty

gary: hot is all i can say

may:  who?

drew: like a rose

max: umm who?

dawn: my bff she buys me the cutest outfit for my pokemon contest

paul: i dont like her that girl is way too flirty

ritchie and zoey: for once dawn made a competing friend

trip: um..... hot?

iris: that girl said i should start brushing my hair by giving me a comb.

n: wow she's hot.

how you and your bf meant:

you sat there on the ground crying..... pearl broke up with you...... because he thought you were cheating on him. but that isn't the true story.  the story was like this.  it was the end of the school day. you were in the girls changing room changing out of your school uniform. you had a date with pearl and couldn't afford to go in your uniform on the day were it could be the best of you life. you were wearing black dress which tightened your body making your chest pop. the dress was a bit short so you decide to wear leggings under. suddenly there was a crash and you saw a person in the girls changing room. you turn as red as a tomato. you didn't put on your leggings on yet and your short dress revealed almost your entire underbody  the figure stumbled to you. its a boy you say as you back away. the boy pushed his body to yours... to close.... you've never been this close to anyone not to mention your own boyfriend pearl.the boy raised his face. you were a flirt but you don't do this to boys why did they do it to you? the boys face was familiar ... dia? you say slowly trying to push him off you.he looked at you with his dark eyes and pushed you on the ground now he was on top of you...... dia? you say again scared..... pleas- he put his finger on your lips and leaned to your face..... he launched his lips straight for yours and kissed you hard. he broke the kiss in about 3 minutes. i  love you he says leaning to your lips again. you couldn't move. and he was making out with you. a knock on the door was heard..... samuko? it was pearl..... samuko i'm coming in. dia was making out with you..... and pearl came into the room shocked to see you and dia.... no he said in shock. dia got off you. pearl its not what it looks like you say!!! we are through pearl says leaving the room. dia looked at you. you can go he says finally  you barge out of the room and into the street. you sit and cry. pearl!!!!! i'm sorry you say tears runnin down your cheeks. you heard a honk from a car. huh you say looking up to see Blues shiny red car parked in front of you. he jumps up to you and hugs you. samuko what's wrong? you tell him everything. no!!! that little idiot dia did that!! he hugs you and hands you a handkerchief where you wipe your tears on. he hugs you its alright. he says rubbing your back don't cry. thanks you say a tears stop falling down your you need a ride he said cockily? oh yeah i'd go everywhere in your car because it's gorgeous. it's true he says.  you smile and laugh . um i kind of like you he says blushing. i know now might be a bad time but please give me a chance. you look at him and think..... pearl isn't going to forgive you after what he saw and there's absolutely no way you're going to go out with dia...... and blue........ i kind of do want to get in his car maybe if i want to be with him i should get to know him. say as you get in his car, but you must answer 3 questions. right ok blue answers cooly. if you saw your girlfriend making out with red what would you do. hmm.... i think i'd be a bit shocked wait in a corner for 2 or 3 minutes and then ask her what happened. if she say something like: i think i love red but i love you too or i have feelings for both of you i'd ask her to choose who she liked better. if she explains that red kissed her and i believe  her then theres no problem and if she says i love red id break up with her and cry for a while depending on how close we were. wow you say good answer....he's cute and modest you thought. ok number 2: how many girls have you kissed you ask? blue turned bright red..... other than family right? yeah you say as you look at his red face. well he begins...... i've never kissed a girl befor he says turning redder. you look at him... that's a true and modest answer you say cutely and you've passed both my questions. isn't there 3 he said. it depended on how well you did and you deserve number 3. what's the question he asks. you turn pink .... the question is...... will you kiss me already? blue turns red... close your eyes first he commands you. you do as he says and close your eyes. he leaned close to you and  kissed you passionately samuko i loved you since the beginning he says handing you a rose will you be mine he asks. you look at him and blush into a shade of pink and look at him sweetly. now its my turn to lead the kisses you say as you jumping on him kissing him. your kiss lasted for 40 seconds as you break the kiss you shyly  get off him. i never told you to stop he said cockily... but in a sweet way. you blush i'm yours now you say getting back on him and kissing him as you break for the second time you look into his dark eyes i love you you say to him as you kiss him passionately again. the rest is up to you!!!


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