What Do The Poke'mon Characters Think Of You [[girls only]]

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Age: 12

DOB: Dec 12

Height: 5 ft

Weight: 92 lbs

Hometown: Snowpoint, Sinnoh

Likes: snow, ice-skating, marshmellows, watching the sunset, moon and stars

Hates: hot weather

Personality: You might think Fuyuko is a cold person. Hence her name, Fuyuko, which means winter. But, she's not. She's an average, normal girl. She loves water and ice poke'mon. She's nice and caring. She'll be a leader when she needs to be. She doesn't talk much. Don't worry, she won't bite you.

Poke'mon: Glaceon, Vaporeon, Weavile, Froslass, Lapras, Dragonite

Best Friends: Paul, Dawn

Close Friends: Ash, Misty


Ash: She's quiet. If she trusts you, she'll talk to you and open up. She's an interesting person. She's a tough trainer, too.

Gary: I haven't seen her talk that much. Ash says she's pretty cool. I battled her once. She wiped the floor with me. T.T

Brock: She's hot! I think I'm in love. ~.* [me: you say that about every girl... <.<]

Drew: Fuyuko? Never heard of her.

Paul: She's my best friend. If anyone hurts her, I'll break their face. She's like a little sister to me. I'll do anything to protect her.

Richie: Hm... I've seen her with Ash. Haven't actually talked to her.

Max: I don't know her.

Tracey: I've heard about her from Professor Oak.

Harely: Haven't seen her. I bet she's a vampire! [me: harely... that must be one of your most stupidest guesses ever...]


Misty: She's fun to talk to about problems. I go to her for advice. She's like a sister to me.

May: Who?

Dawn: She's really cool! Her poke'mon are awesome! She doesn't liek talking to people that much. Once you get to know her, she's a really awesome person!


Oak: I've heard a lot from Rowan. He said she's a really strong trainer.

Elm: Hm.. I haven't heard that much about her...

Birch: Fuyuko? She's strange, but she cares about her poke'mon deeply.

Rowan: She's independant and tough. She'll become a great gym leader.

:.:~Random Facts~:.:

.Wants to become a gym leader one day

.She doesn't know who her parents are

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