Smarty Pants!

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Wow, you're pretty smart!

Italy: She confuses me sometimes when she uses big words, but I like her. She's nice! -whispers- I think Mr. Germany likes her!

Germany: She's one of the most logical and strongest people I've ever met. -blush- She's a very good friend and she's very...-blushes even more- attractive.

Japan: -blush- She's very considerate and is very good at getting out of tough situations.

America: Dude, she needs to chill out! She takes things waaaayyyyy too seriously.

England: She can be boring, but a good friend. It's -blush- easy to talk to her.

France: A little too serious, but les choses que je ferais à sa! Oh hon hon! 

Russia: She will become one with me soon, da. Even if she doesn't know it...

China: I like her, she's really smart and she gives pretty good advice. -blush- I consider her one of my best friends.

Canada: She talks to me sometimes. -blush- she's usually pretty busy but she stops by to say hello whenever she gets the chance.

Switzerland: I always bring her when I go shopping, she's really good at figuring out what the best bargains are. -blush- She's also made some new guns just for me.

Liechtenstein: -giggles- Big bruder likes her a lot, and for good reasons. She's nice and really smart. I'd like to see her and bruder get together.

Austria: She can actually understand what my music means. She's not very creative, but she's so smart it's a little scary.

Hungary: She's really pretty, but I honestly don't know her very well.

Latvia: She's really smart and pretty! -blushes-

Estonia: -blushes- I...umm...

Lithuania: -smiles wide- She's a really good friend! -blushes- A-and she's so smart it's like she can read my mind sometimes.

Poland: She's like okay I guess~.

Cuba: Who?

Belarus: Who?

Ukraine: Who?

Friends: Italy, Germany, Japan, England, China, Canada, Switzerland, Austria, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania
Enemies: Russia
Love interest: Germany, Japan, England, France?, China, Canada, Switzerland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania


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